If health is the capacity to take responsibility for oneself, then wellness, is the appreciation and awareness of ourselves as healthy – feeling physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned. When this is the case, we are our authentic selves, acting mindfully with confidence and a sense of purpose, in partnership with the feminine principle activated within us.
Tap into, activate and heal the Divine Feminine within you with these 11 action strategies:
- Listen and Dream – Tune into your inner being and allow yourself to dream. You may remember being a child and spending hours gazing at the moving clouds, or looking deeply into the embers of a dying fire and letting the moving shapes “speak to you”…create an inner safe space and allow your creative imagination some room to express itself. What do you want?
- Express Yourself – You are naturally creative. When you are in touch with your inner being and stop censoring yourself, you have a natural desire to express yourself. Any form of self-expression is helpful – reflecting back to you what you want to express. Who are you?
- Gather with Others of Like-Mind – there’s strength in shared values. Attending a workshop or joining a small group with a purpose, is a great way to rediscover and connect with what matters to you, develop some new skills and make some friends. The process of sharing insights, stories and experiences while being supported and supporting others can be profoundly healing. I suggest the group abide by a Code of Conduct based on shared values, clarified at the beginning and reviewed at each meeting.
- Delight in Your Body. It’s your body that let’s you act in this world. Appreciate the body you’ve been given and that you have developed over time. Appreciate its strengths, unique qualities and beauty. Breathe and notice how deeply or shallowly you are breathing. What does your body want you to know? How do you feel about your body?
- Explore Your Senses. Our senses are our windows to the world. Your five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) provide you with information about the world. Notice which of these senses are dominant. Through which sense do you acquire the most information, most reliably? Acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of the world. How do you express your appreciation? Do you like to surround yourself with beautiful things. Do you allow yourself to delight in your own beauty or the beauty of loved ones? What action can you take to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the world around you?
- Clarify the Roles You Play – We all play numerous roles in our lives. From daughter, sister, cousin, mother, wife, aunt, grandmother, lover, student, business owner, entrepreneur, manager, employee, professional whatever, etc. Exploring the roles we play from the perspective of the Divine Feminine will help you identify the roles you love to play and where and how you might make improvements.
- Befriend Your Feelings. Your emotions are energy in motion. They are a response to what you are thinking. Notice the energy of the emotions you are feeling. What emotions do you tend to experience? What do they feel like? What is the impact they have on you – do they make you feel good or not?
- Heal Your Personal Relationships – Once you’re clear about the roles you play, you will become aware of the relationships that are strong and healthy and those which aren’t. In seeing clearly, there is awareness and with awareness comes choice. Meditating on your primary relationships – say with your mother, who gave you birth, can be a good place to begin. Feelings of resistance, where they show up, are indicators that there are unresolved emotional issues creating inner, and sometimes outer conflict.
- Clarify Your Values – How do you want to show up in the roles you play? What are the expectations you and others have of yourself in each of the roles you play? Are these expectations shared or are they in conflict? Explore your family values, past and present – identifying influences that shaped your current choices and why. What does it mean to be a woman in your family? Are there any traditional gender roles or social expectations that you can identify? How do they show up and how do you feel about them? Which ones do you subscribe to or embrace? Why? Which of these values or expectations make you feel strong? Which ones make you feel depleted? What does it mean to you to be honest with yourself and live with integrity? What action can you take to honour the divine feminine principle within you?
- Develop Intuitive Awareness – You may be receiving information through other channels as well. Many people experience felt sensations in their bodies (somatic) in response to stimuli. Others report getting flashes of insight through words, messages or visual images. Notice how information comes to you and how you process the information you receive.
- Cultivate Presence – By honouring yourself, you honour the Divine Feminine. Being open, kind, loving and gentle towards yourself and others, will bring her alive. Doing your best to take good care of yourself, you are being the best you can be. Instead of judging yourself harshly for not doing enough and driving yourself to exhaustion and burnout, consider simple, everyday actions you can take to grow your capacity to enjoy life and delight in the things and people in your life that bring you joy. Only you can know that.
The choice, of course, is yours! If you want help with kick-starting your transformative journey, learn more about our 12 step program and give us a call. We’d be thrilled to be your guide.