12 Steps to Becoming An Authentic Mindful Leader

Welcome! You are at the beginning of a new chapter in your life – a place of possibilities and new opportunities.

Sign up below to subscribe to our newsletter. The KAIZEN Leadership News and Views is your ticket to creating positive change, helping you quiet the noise in your head and life, and take a moment to connect, reflect and focus on what is important to you.

You will also have instant access to these valuable tools and receive the itinerary of the 12 step journey to becoming an authentic, mindful leader.

  1. Guided Meditation: Stop and Catch Your Breath
    This audio recording will help you relax, breathe deeply, and let go of the concerns that are keeping you stuck.

  2. Wheel of Life Satisfaction Scan
    Guidelines on how to complete the Wheel of Life Satisfaction Scan. This will offer you a clearer understanding of what aspects are working and which are not working in your life, and help you to focus on those areas which promise the most balance satisfaction.

  3. 30 Minute Live Assessment
    Once you have completed your self-assessments, I will connect with you privately to review your results and offer suggestions for how to move forward toward more healing, transformation and empowerment.

We look forward to supporting you every step of the way.

Peace and Strength,

Julia von Flotow

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