Guided imagery engages all the senses creating an inner felt experience that provides the individual with a sense of internal control, helpful in cultivating a positive mental outlook and building new neural pathways which means that responses and reactions are changed – that is, creating positive new habits of thinking, feeling and doing. My early work in experimental theatre and the work of Larry Dossey, MD (right) and Jeanne Achterberg PhD (left) are two of the many experts who influenced my approach to the role of guided imagery and visualization in coaching and healing.
The human brain cannot tell the difference between imagery and real-life action. Guided imagery delivers multiple layers of complex, encoded messages to the emotional control centre of the brain through simple images, sensations, symbols and metaphors, received by the individual in a deeply relaxed state of mind. Guided imagery and visualization can have a positive impact on health, wellness, attitude, behavioural change and peak performance.
Guided Imagery and Visualization can:
- Promote relaxation, lower anxiety and depression and improve sleep.
- Reduce stress, blood pressure, cholesterol and hemoglobin levels in the blood.
- Heighten short-term immune cell activity, and accelerate healing.
- Reduce blood loss and opioid use during surgery.
- Alter the mind’s perception of pain and reduce suffering.
- Provides support during chemotherapy, radiotherapy, ventilator weaning, biopsy and dialysis.
- Enhance self awareness and intuition
- Enhance coping skills and resilience.
- Increase athletic performance.
- Improve skill and confidence at creative and expressive arts, exam-taking and public speaking.
- Promote healthy lifestyle choices – weight loss and smoking abstinence.
Application to Kaizen Leadership Institute Practices
When customized and used synergistically, in conjunction with coaching support, guided imagery and visualization, helps clients transform inner mental programming (core beliefs, perceptions and attitudes), change their self-image and achieve their goals.
Guided imagery helps clients relax and develop a deep personal connection to what I call “the Leader Within” enabling them to access insights, uncover limiting beliefs, accelerate healing and develop self confidence. Outcome visualization helps clients clarify and set goals while process visualization helps clients envision and focus on the individual actions required to realize their goals.
Related Articles:
Imagination is The Heart’s Best Friend
The Best Medicine: Relax and Focus on What Excites You!
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