Your Achievement Motivation is Key to Success

flow3Achievement motivation starts with the sheer act of simply wanting. Uncluttered, straightforward intention focuses attention, establishing priority and creating a sense of inner harmony.

So if you know what you want, you’re poised to move into FLOW and if you don’t yet know what it is you want, active listening is the key to help you discover your passion.

Coaching – A Self Discovery Process

As a coach, I create and hold the space that allows you to listen and receive deep and powerful personal messages from within – actionable insights that spark passion and illumine thoughts that align you’re your values to create a vision of an ideal worth striving for, imagined as already perfected and complete. This passion, sparked by desire, provides the emotional and energizing impulse to empower action.

Achievement motivation creates focus and a clear sense of direction – a pathway for passion (e-motion – energy in motion) that provides meaning and a clarified sense of identity to develops goal commitment, strategic intent and feelings of empowerment – passion aligned with purpose.

“To be able to concentrate for a considerable time is essential to difficult achievement.” Bertrand Russell

How it Works


(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 2003)

Self regulation is the ability to regulate your emotions and persist with goal pursuit in face of distractions. Planning and awareness inform this process and self regulation makes it happen. Traction creates a sense of momentum. The result is defined as a state of flow or optimum performance that results in an experience of enjoyment as When people perceive themselves to be above their own personal average level of challenges and skills.


What is FLOW?

flow1The beginning of any learning process is something is a flow situation – everything is new and flow absorption is present as one struggles to master the new skill. As one’s level of competency progresses, either boredom ensues because there is inadequate challenge (the skill has been learned at that level) or anxiety occurs experienced as stress because a bigger challenge than we can cope with presents itself.

Either way, one wants to get back to flow, either by:

  • Overcoming the anxiety challenge
  • Becoming more skilled, or
  • Taking on a challenge that will overcome the boredom, thus getting back into flow at a more complex level.

Emotions – a Powerful Feedback Mechanism

The feedback mechanism impacts one’s achievement motivation. How important is achieving your goal to you? From 1 – 10, 10 being the highest, what value of importance would you assign to your goal? What are you willing to sacrifice in the process? What is your level of achievement motivation? Learn more about setting SMART goals.

Flow – A State of Ease and Joy

When challenges are matched to capabilities you are fully and creatively present and:

  1. Focus and concentrate on the task at hand
  2. Gain a sense of control – you are “in charge”
  3. Are fully attentive, with no self-consciousness
  4. Priorities become clear resulting in unself-conscious self assurance – a state of ease and joy

Getting into FLOW

As a coach, I help my clients harness their achievement motivation and find their way into FLOW, helping them grow their capacity to ever increasing complexity and achievement through their own voluntary action.

The client directs the process, identifies the issues to be coached on and moves forward at their own pace, feeling fully supported in the process. Learn more about our 12 step process.

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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at