Managing attention is the toughest challenge we face in our lives. Sucked up into the whirlwind demands of everyday living, like a rat on a treadmill, we give all we’ve got to keep the little treadmill going that keeps us humming and spinning ever faster….but whatever for?
It’s the patterns of thought and behaviour that keep us stuck, in a rut, doing more, or so we think, for less and less return until we feeling ragged and burned out and either fall off the treadmill of our own creation or put a stick into it to finally have some peace and quiet, whether we’re conscious of it or not!
As a sucker for the irrelevant you don’t know where you end and where the other person begins, be it your kid, your spouse, sibling, parent or co-worker…you have no boundaries; don’t know your terms and conditions, and have given your all cause you aim to please…but please whom? Everyone, you say?!
So what, in the end, is important to you – is relevant?
Imagine, for a moment, if you will, lying on your deathbed…surrounded by loved ones (or not)…Who might these be? Imagine reflecting on the life you’ve lived? What would you consider the three most important insights, things you’ve learned?
What is the legacy you are leaving behind; for instance, how will others – those you care for or about, remember you? What will they say about you, to you, at your deathbed? What will they say to each other when you’re gone and what will they think 30 days after you’ve gone?
And what do you want them to say, to feel, to think, to know, to experience?
What is it that’s relevant for you, now?
How is it that you want to live your life?
How do you want to show up in 2017?
What action can you take to make it so?
Life is short. Make it relevant. Wishing you a happy, mindful 2017!