The Authentic Self ~ Key to Unlocking Human Potential

The Authentic SelfYour human potential is far greater than you might expect; far more expansive than the little bit that you have manifested in your physical body and conscious experience of life. Many dimensions of human consciousness are invisible and hidden. We are mostly unaware of the different states of consciousness we experience and subtle energy flows that act within us and, much like our breathing, we take them for granted.

Inherently, we trust the inner processes of life and perceive and engage with the physical world through our five senses. The subtle realm of human experience and potential however, is available to us through higher orders of our being – subtle energies that either becomes accessible to us through some life challenge or through choice.

I have noticed thatopen unfocused observation – simply being present to the moment with an attentive, appreciative attitude helps me in comprehending what is taking place, when I am unattached to what is happening, and simply observing without judgement. An open and appreciative attitude helps to open up my senses, free my perception and allows me to receive information from another, more subtle dimension – one that is felt and experienced in my being as a whole, as long as my mind and emotions are quiet and I am mindfully aware.

It is one thing to notice what I’m noticing and quite another to comprehend the principle of integration that coordinates and unifies the physical, vital, emotional and mental dimensions of my being.

It is in this state of heightened awareness – of mindfulness, when I have the will and motivation to do good – to be of service to someone as in a healing session, teaching or coaching that I am able to quiet my mind, open my heart and access, through compassion, deep inner resources that activate and engage my intuition. The deepest and most powerful inner resource I have available to me is my will to choose and then act expressed through intention. Intention consists of a chosen goal that is powered by my deepest desire, aligned with my purpose and expressed through my willingness to act.

When I am clear on my intention, my intuitive field opens up and offers me insight – the felt experience of deep, inner knowing, a unity with nature and a deep sense of oneness or connection with all that is, that dissolves all the self-manufactured barriers that otherwise make me feel separate and alone.

This unitive experience of wholeness, balance and harmony helps me  transcend both mind and emotion, filling and saturating me with higher-level subtle energies that help illumine the moment and allow me to perceive the truth in the situation – helping me comprehend the relationship dynamic I find myself in, without judgment or commentary. This intuitive insight results in an ‘AHA’ moment, a subsequent shift in perspective, and the hope and energy I need to take inspired action.

Awareness is the greatest agent of choice. As I gain insight and awareness, the light of my intuitive mind increases in brightness, unlocking and transforming hidden dimensions into known and experienced inner terrain. As inner darkness turns to light, fear is transformed to love and the authentic, mindful leader within gains in strength and courage. Self-empowered and authentic, I now have the confidence and trust in the Universe and take inspired action towards achieving my goals which may, at first, have seem far beyond my capacities.

This theme is further explored in the weekend intensive The Hidden Dimensions of Consciousness, Intuition in Therapeutic TouchTM.


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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at