JuliavonFlotow Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader kaizenleadershipinstitute.com/12steps/ has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses. www.kaizenleadershipinstitute.com.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/juliavonflotow or email her at julia@kaizenleadershipinstitute.com.

Meditation Practice Brings us Home to Ourselves

American psychotherapist and educator Lawrence LeShan in his book How to Meditate, The Acclaimed Guide to Self-Discovery recognizes the aim of meditation practices to be “inner growth and development – to help the individual reach their own special, fullest potential in being, relating and creating” and “doing consciously what would otherwise be … [Read more...]

Effective Leadership – Your Competitive Advantage

Coaching helps leaders find their stride and navigate their workplace effectively to survive, thrive and achieve sustainable success both professionally and personally. Effective leadership is the only competitive advantage that will endure. That's because leadership has two sides – what a person is (character) and what a person does … [Read more...]

Therapeutic Touch – Mindfulness Practice in Action

Therapeutic Touch® is a holistic, evidence-based, integrative therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well-being in all aspects of the individual: body, emotions, mind and spirit. Developed in the early 1970’s through the pioneering work of Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN, a professor … [Read more...]

Guided Imagery and Visualization

Guided imagery and visualization engage the imagination for positive effect enhancing body mind communication and enabling the individual to gain access to hidden aspects of their mind, developing a deeper and more satisfying relationship with the self. Guided imagery engages all the senses creating an inner felt experience that provides the … [Read more...]

Inner Wisdom and How to Access It

Underneath the busyness of our everyday lives and the incessant mental chatter, we are all infinitely wise and inherently intelligent. The greatest difficulty to accessing our inner wisdom is in stilling the mind  and getting out of our own way, as learned from personal experience and then witnessed in my clients over the last ten years of coaching … [Read more...]

Transforming Problems into Creative Opportunities with Solution-focused Coaching

Solution-focused coaching is an approach to change management built upon the principles and practices of solution-focused therapy. The approach focuses on desired outcomes and related competencies.  The solution-focused approach helps people become aware of their strengths and available resources and in so doing inspires empowered … [Read more...]

How Difficult Conversations Can Be Opportunities for Personal Growth

While some topics of conversation may be extremely challenging for one person, they may not pose any challenge at all for someone else. Perhaps it’s not the topic of conversation that a person finds challenging, but the relation the person has with another person or people involved, their needs and wants in relation to situational barriers or power … [Read more...]

Person-Centered Therapy at the Heart of Coaching

Person-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers  in the mid 1950s, assumes that human beings have an innate drive to grow towards their potential when they are in a nurturing and accepting environment. Premise In Rogers’ person-centered therapy the client is recognized as the expert; the therapist creates the environment that will facilitate … [Read more...]

Allowing vs Controlling – Attitude in Health and Healing

A human being is a multi-dimensional, complex system of systems consisting of over 70 trillion individual cells.  This rather simple representation of a complex system may help illumine and enable informed decision making for improved quality of life.  Recognizing that, in solution, a cell can make only one of three simple choices: move … [Read more...]

Letter from a client to her coach

Dear Julia I didn't know much about coaching when I first came to you a few years ago It was a literal case of Beginner's Mind. Our first 12 session journey turned out to be magical. It gave me such hope in being able to escape a problem I had had since I was a child and I felt excitement for whatever coaching was yet to come. With each … [Read more...]