Florence Nightingale knew the body to have its own innate intelligence and that the systems of the body are interrelated, functioning separately while at the same time, as a whole. She said “Nature alone cures, all we need do is create an environment for nature to do its work”. Therapeutic Touch assists the process of natural restoration, using a holistic approach that is patient centered.
Holistic healthcare recognizes the integrative nature of the human condition, the unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of each individual. It recognizes that they are interrelated and inseparable from one another. It focuses on a wide range of findings and on restoring order and balance to improve health and well-being. It promotes healthy lifestyle practices and within this framework, patients are encouraged to be responsible for their own health care decisions.
Therapeutic Touch is portable and can be provided in almost any situation. There is no need to remove clothing; it can be done in any position; it can be done using a light touch or with no touch at all. It has been known to be effective in first aid situations, in birthing situations, in end of life care, and for self care and health promotion. It is used in all areas of many hospitals and hospices around the world, both for patient care and staff self care.
Benefits to recipients can include:
Relaxation Response
A physiological response including:
- lowered blood pressure
- improved circulation
- improved haemoglobin levels
- lowered heart rate
- slower respirations
- pupils dilate
- skeletal muscles relax
- metabolism slows down
A health benefit that improves general bodily functions and allows healing to take place. It reduces the effects of stress on the body and mind.
Reduces anxiety
Anxiety is a companion of illness and is a result of stress. It varies with the circumstances of illness or injury. Anxiety can itself become a form of constant stress that compromises the immune system. It deprives the body of its ability to sleep, eat and function in a restorative manner and therefore to heal. Therapeutic Touch has been shown to reduce anxiety from a variety of causes.
Alters the perception of pain
All pain produces anxiety which exacerbates the pain effect. Therapeutic Touch has been shown to alleviate pain and/or alter the perception of pain. Patients report they either have less pain or are better able to cope with their pain. Often, as a result, they will require less pain medication.
Accelerated healing
Research has shown an acceleration of the normal process of repair and regeneration. Bone healing can be up to 50% faster and wound healing 30% – 50% faster. Any effect on infections seems to be due to a boost to the immune system.
Improved sense of well-being
An improved sense of well-being naturally follows when relaxation is reachable, anxiety is reduced, pain perception is improved and there is faster healing. Patients feel a sense of being supported, heard and valued.
Comfort at end stage of life
“Therapeutic Touch restores an inner order which contributes to the dying person’s emotional and mental strength and fosters peace of mind.” Susan Wagner, MD A Doctor’s Guide to Therapeutic Touch.
Therapeutic Touch offers benefits, not only to patients, but to healthcare workers as well. Stress can be one of the leading causes of illness and accidents in the workplace. Self care is an important component to workplace safety and improved environment. There is a direct connection between the demands placed upon one’s life and the physical and mental health of the individual. The demands placed on nurses, in particular, in today’s health care environment are the type of stressors that can lead to over extension of the body’s ability to function well.
Therapeutic Touch is taught in three basic levels and can be incorporated into the workplace and carried out individually or with a partner in a ten or fifteen minute break. The use of Therapeutic Touch, both on the job and outside the workplace, can help to restore order and balance, and to replenish the all too depleted energy systems of our nurses. It provides a concentrated focus of healing, wholeness and movement toward the restoration of energy within the body.
Susan Keith, RN, RT(TTNO) with Julia von Flotow
Mar 18 2011