The Guts –  Inner Athenor, a Transformational Powerhouse

“Feed the fire in your belly and your dreams will become clear to you.” Julia von Flotow It’s in your belly that dreams are born…the desire for something awakens hope and with hope comes possibilities activating the imagination, the creative indwelling Spirit and the heart’s best friend. Creating the inner safe space for dreaming stokes the fires … [Read more...]

You Are Connected. Now, Just Plug In!

“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest … [Read more...]

Therapeutic Touch – A Complement to Modern Medicine

Therapeutic Touch™ (TT) is an energy field modality first developed in 1972, as a modern healing method by Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN and her colleague, Dora Kunz.  Therapeutic Touch is a consciously directed process of energy exchange during which practitioners use their hands as a focus for facilitating healing.  The intervention is administered … [Read more...]

A Story of Transformation and Growth

Before I started coaching with Julia I was lacking in confidence and also lacked the awareness and knowledge of how to go about helping myself. An experience years before undermined any confidence I'd had, both real and not real. Through coaching, I have overcome many inner obstacles and in the process found and have grown in confidence which I … [Read more...]


Therapeutic TouchTM as a body of knowledge and practice has numerous benefits for both the recipient and the practitioner. Stress is widely recognized as one of the leading causes of illness and accidents in the home and the workplace. There is a direct connection between the demands placed upon one's life and the physical and mental health of the … [Read more...]

6 Ways of Living with Presence

Imagine if … You treated others in the way you would like your dearest friend to treat you…with sensitivity and compassion. You acknowledged yourself and others – really sensed what you felt, were open, sensed how others feel about you. Invited dialogue, engaged them and shared insights and experiences. You were relaxed, authentic and … [Read more...]

Mindfulness Coaching for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals

Can mindfulness coaching help physicians and healthcare professionals sustain their professional commitment and preserve their integrity amidst the turbulence of constant change, increasing demands and shrinking resources? Today’s healthcare professionals and executives are called upon to facilitate change in a health care industry with … [Read more...]

The Authentic Self ~ Key to Unlocking Human Potential

Your human potential is far greater than you might expect; far more expansive than the little bit that you have manifested in your physical body and conscious experience of life. Many dimensions of human consciousness are invisible and hidden. We are mostly unaware of the different states of consciousness we experience and subtle energy flows that … [Read more...]

From Dream to Realization with SMART Goals

Nothing happens unless first a dream. Carl Sandburg  It's all about SUCCESS Select a dream Use your dream to set a goal Create a plan Consider resources Enhance skills and abilities Spend time wisely Start! Get organized and go.     …it’s one of those acro-whatevers, said Pooh**Roger E.Allen and Stephen D. Allen, … [Read more...]

Mindfulness Training For 21st Century Business Success

Mindfulness is defined as awareness of moment-to-moment experience – paying attention to the here and now with an appreciative, open and nonjudgmental attitude and spirit of enquiry. Mindfulness training uses scientifically-proven techniques to help employees develop: self-management skills social-emotional awareness interpersonal … [Read more...]