Achievement motivation starts with the sheer act of simply wanting. Uncluttered, straightforward intention focuses attention, establishing priority and creating a sense of inner harmony. So if you know what you want, you’re poised to move into FLOW and if you don’t yet know what it is you want, active listening is the key to help you discover … [Read more...]
Stress relief and self care are important components to overall health and well being. The stress response creates a cascade of chemical and hormone releases in the body that provide us with the ability to react appropriately in dangerous situations. However, when those same chemicals cannot effectively be released due to chronic unmanaged … [Read more...]
Straight from the Heart
When we are heart-centered, we speak unabashedly and simply, directly from the heart. We have nothing to hide because we are open and all that we are is visible – we stand naked. We simply are! In this state we experience both the fullness and the emptiness of being. Both full and empty at one and the same time we become aware of our life as an … [Read more...]
Emotional Intelligence in Business
Leaders create working conditions that engage the workforce. Engaged employees create engaged customers fostering organizational success. Effective leadersbalance emotional and mental energy in their teams. They are attuned to the feelings of others creating resonance and help their staff identify and work with their strengths, moving them into … [Read more...]
The Coaching Relationship Partnering for your Success
The coaching relationship is created from the initial point of contact and developed over the course of the coaching program. Coach and coachee share an understanding that you can achieve only what you believe may be possible so, as your coach, I am committed to help you release limiting beliefs, challenge your assumptions, recognize your blind … [Read more...]
The Holistic Wellness Model
The holistic wellness model recognizes the body, mind and spirit as an integrated and coherent whole. To live mindfully is to live holistically. Wellness can be defined as a state where one is centered in oneself and functioning at one’s optimum level - happy, healthy and whole – engaged and able to see and create meaning and purpose in life. … [Read more...]
Redefining Success Guides The Coaching Journey
Three years ago, when Melissa first came to me for coaching, she shared with me that “everything in my life was out of whack (work/career, relationships, confidence and love for myself). I wanted to improve balance and alignment in my life.” In this article I have drawn on Melissa’s coaching journals and conversations, with her permission, along … [Read more...]
The Quiet Transformative Power of Mindfulness Coaching
Mindfulness, according to Jon Kabat Zinn, who popularized Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in North America, is “knowing what you are doing when you are doing it,” a state of active awareness. Reflection, before, during and after action, is a mindfulness practice that helps the practitioner develop self-awareness, making it a valuable resource … [Read more...]
The Change Process – Know Where You Are
Change is the only constant. Change is inevitable, ever present and experienced with ever-increasing complexity and intensity. Whether we are more aware of change within us or change as external to us is a matter of focus – what we are paying attention to. When we accept change as a given, we are enabled to look for and find opportunities to … [Read more...]
The Neuroscience of Mindfulness
Helping clients cultivate mindfulness, the ability to be present and engaged in the moment, is central to our approach. Why? Because it works! According to neuroscientist, Mike Merzenich "Experience, coupled with attention leads to physical changes in the structure and future functioning of the nervous system. This leaves us with a clear … [Read more...]