What is Life Coaching?

Professional life coaching is a powerful, interactive, thought-provoking and creative process that allows you to: Deepen your learning Improve your performance Enhance your quality of life and Discover and develop your potential. A life coach is professionally-trained personal-change expert and plays an important role in facilitating … [Read more...]

Conflict as Opportunity

It is how we see things, what we perceive, that shapes how we respond. Fundamental to shaping our perception are the beliefs, assumptions and attitudes that act as perceptual filters – filtering out what doesn’t fit in your mental paradigm. As human beings, if we learn at all, we learn through contrast. It’s in contrast that we can learn to … [Read more...]

Acknowledgement – a Powerful Medicine!

The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. Being intentional about it makes all the … [Read more...]

The Inner Self As Light

During this time of year as we approach the winter solstice on December 21 and the daylight hours grow shorter, our appreciation of and desire for light starts to grow and intensify. This desire to connect with and open to the light creates a wonderful opportunity to practice visualization. Visualizing light during meditation helps us train our … [Read more...]

Healing Ourselves with Therapeutic Touch

Being open, grounded and centered in our true nature creates the possibility for healing ourselves at a deep personal level. Mindfulness training and practice gives us the sense of being nourished by the divine within the sacred space of unlimited possibilities and Therapeutic Touch™, a heart-centered energy healing practice is guided by the … [Read more...]

Leadership Presence is Mindful and Authentic

Cultivating presence is a practice of being your authentic best, moment to moment. Aware and free of the pressures of conflicting, limiting or contradictory beliefs you simply are – present to whatever presents itself and able to respond in the moment. This practice requires a commitment to compassionate mindfulness which, in turn, aligns vision, … [Read more...]

KAIZEN and Change

Kaizen continuous improvement methodologies come into play when you start moving into action, once you've’ve clarified your intention and know where you want to go. It's the management end of things. Kaizen attitudes and values: Foster a participatory culture - we're all in it together Are results-oriented and process focused - adjustments … [Read more...]

How Kaizen 5S Principles Help You Improve Your Performance

Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Sieketsu and Shitsuku, the 5S kaizen principles provide a system, a way of doing things that eliminates waste and improves performance, productivity and satisfaction. What a fabulous gift! Paying attention to the process and being in the NOW to acknowledge what is working, builds on your strengths, develops confidence and … [Read more...]


KAIZEN has two meanings. In Sanskrit, kaizen means, “renew the heart and make it good.” In Japanese, kai means continuous and zen means improvement. In Japan, kaizen is a philosophy, a system of coherence to continuous improvement practices that focuses on process improvements and total quality management…doing more with less, that we, in the West, … [Read more...]

What’s a Leader?

A lot has been said about leaders and leadership over the years. Each era and every situation creates its own leaders, and yet, the fundamental role of a leader is to set direction and lead. In every case, a leader, to be able to lead others, must first be able to lead themselves. So leadership, as we see it, is a role, a practice and a … [Read more...]