Archetypes are symbols of patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour that reflect your relationship with yourself, others and with the world. Archetypes are neither positive nor negative. They are essentially neutral patterns of the psyche. Archetypes can be universal and cultural and can be experienced as a powerful pattern, deep within you, … [Read more...]
Is Yours A Spiritual Hunger?
What do you really hunger for? It’s spiritual hunger I’m speaking of - a hunger for wholeness, balance and a sense of connectedness. When you've satisfied your spiritual hunger, you make do with a lot less of everything else, no longer needing or wanting to clutter up your life. How often, in your work-a-day life, do you live on automatic pilot, … [Read more...]
Acceptance versus Resignation
YES and NO are the two most basic human responses to internal or external stimuli. The gap between these two, diametrically-opposed positions from acceptance to rejection, covers a wide range of emotional states from an energetic and enthusiastic YES to a vehement and forceful NO. Our whole being: mind, body, and spirit, is directly affected by … [Read more...]
How can Sustainable Success be Possible?
There’s no time like right now to stop and assess your strengths, opportunities, and threats and make some healthy choices that will empower you and transform your life. I call it developing personal leadership and cultivating resilience. While this, in my view, is a life way, a mindful lifestyle practice that can lead to personal fulfillment … [Read more...]
Are you a Sucker for the Irrelevant?
Managing attention is the toughest challenge we face in our lives. Sucked up into the whirlwind demands of everyday living, like a rat on a treadmill, we give all we’ve got to keep the little treadmill going that keeps us humming and spinning ever faster….but whatever for? It’s the patterns of thought and behaviour that keep us stuck, in a rut, … [Read more...]
Four Powerful Questions for an Empowered Life Journey
Questions are powerful tools for prompting shifts in perspective and deep reflection that create insight and awareness. Questions invite imagination and activate possibilities thinking that is energizing and fun. They encourage creativity and out of the box thinking. Being asked a question or posing one to oneself is like opening a file. It helps … [Read more...]
Mindfulness Coaching for Stress Relief, Focus and Success
What makes someone start looking for a coach may range from wanting to develop some new skills, have more confidence, improve balance and alignment in life, better time or business management skills to navigating a career or life transition or help with orchestrating a whole life makeover. People want to release old, outmoded ways of thinking … [Read more...]