Cultivating Presence
Key to Self-Empowered, Authentic Leadership!
Acceptance versus Resignation
YES and NO are the two most basic human responses to internal or external stimuli. The gap between these two, diametrically-opposed positions from acceptance to rejection, covers a wide range of emotional states from an energetic and enthusiastic YES to a vehement and forceful NO. Our whole being: mind, body, and spirit, is directly affected by … [Read more...]
Are you a Sucker for the Irrelevant?
Managing attention is the toughest challenge we face in our lives. Sucked up into the whirlwind demands of everyday living, like a rat on a treadmill, we give all we’ve got to keep the little treadmill going that keeps us humming and spinning ever faster….but whatever for? It’s the patterns of thought and behaviour that keep us stuck, in a rut, … [Read more...]
Anatomy of a Habit and How to Over-ride Old, Counter-Productive Conditioning
Engrams are what neurophysiologists call learned behaviour, neural patterns put to memory. They are coded step by step instructions for each habitual movement. The first time we do anything, whether learning to dance, swim, drive or walk, we have no engrams to rely on, so our movement is erratic and sloppy. With repeated practice, the engrams, for … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch Healing – A Personal Experience
My mother-in-law, a visual artist of some renown, who is legally blind due to macular degeneration, was run over by a vehicle the last Friday in August, a few years back. It was a freak accident. After careful examination of her pants cut from her by the hospital staff and much thoughtful discussion, we reconstructed what had happened - we … [Read more...]
Mindfulness Coaching for Stress Relief, Focus and Success
What makes someone start looking for a coach may range from wanting to develop some new skills, have more confidence, improve balance and alignment in life, better time or business management skills to navigating a career or life transition or help with orchestrating a whole life makeover. People want to release old, outmoded ways of thinking … [Read more...]
Healing Wounds One Layer at a Time
Illnesses, loss of loved ones, career missteps and relationship failures, accidents, traumas or past abuse are part of the human conditions we are all subject to. Whether minor or serious these setbacks can leave their mark. They are part of our history and life story. What matters is not the thing itself but how we relate to it…how we see it … [Read more...]