Stress is your experience of your body’s fight, flight or freeze response to stimuli whether internal or external. Your experience of pain - temperature, sound, aggression and your response to it – the story you tell yourself are two inter-related contributing factors that shape your experience. While there’s not too much you can do to control the … [Read more...]
Embodied Wisdom – Your Body Loves You!
Awareness is the greatest agent of choice. You can get stressed by a million different things; all of which act as your system’s information up-setters and distorters. When you are healthy and relaxed, life energy flows freely and unobstructed, through you. Stress, illness or dis-ease are both contributing factors and an indication that there … [Read more...]
Awakening to Choice is Self-Empowering
Awakening to Choice is a beautiful piece of anonymous prose I received from a friend and share it here with you. It's inspirational in its wisdom and resonates with the shifts in perspective many of my coaching clients tell me they experience. The piece gives expression to the process of awakening and accepting responsibility for choice, that's at … [Read more...]
How is Stress Affecting your Quality of Life?
Stress is a recognized cause of 80% of today’s illnesses – so what are you doing to mitigate the risk of chronic stress in your life? “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” Marcus Aurelius The choices we make, how … [Read more...]
Look to Workplace Stressors as Causes of Anxiety
In a workplace where conditions exist that are outside your control or realm of influence and where roles, responsibilities, authority, accountabilities or expectations are unclear, frustrated passion can arise, resulting in: A high stress environment Poor communication Office politics Workflow problems Diminished … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch – A Complement to Modern Medicine
Therapeutic Touch™ (TT) is an energy field modality first developed in 1972, as a modern healing method by Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN and her colleague, Dora Kunz. Therapeutic Touch is a consciously directed process of energy exchange during which practitioners use their hands as a focus for facilitating healing. The intervention is administered … [Read more...]
A Story of Transformation and Growth
Before I started coaching with Julia I was lacking in confidence and also lacked the awareness and knowledge of how to go about helping myself. An experience years before undermined any confidence I'd had, both real and not real. Through coaching, I have overcome many inner obstacles and in the process found and have grown in confidence which I … [Read more...]
Therapeutic TouchTM as a body of knowledge and practice has numerous benefits for both the recipient and the practitioner. Stress is widely recognized as one of the leading causes of illness and accidents in the home and the workplace. There is a direct connection between the demands placed upon one's life and the physical and mental health of the … [Read more...]