The divine feminine principle is the primary animating force within all women. Having an understanding of what divine feminine means to you provides you with a baseline for personal reflection.
See which of these descriptors of the Feminine Principle resonate with you:
Receptive | Openness |
Feeling | Motherhood |
Empathic | Nurturing |
Intuitive | Love |
Patient | Understanding |
Honouring | Compassion |
Relationship focused | Insight |
Awareness of interconnections | Wisdom |
Restorative | Forgiveness |
Life | Seeking connection |
Renewal | Harmony |
Creation | Sensual |
Birth | Love |
Interconnected | Interdependent |
Healing | Insight |
Attending | Abiding |
Appreciation | Gratitude |
Listening | Heeding |
Maiden | Crone |
Mother | Goddess |
Now, take a step back and reflect. What is the traditional idea of women or female in your family; in your community; at your workplace; in your world?
Which of these qualified descriptors of the feminine principle do you “allow” to show up in you? Which would you like to see show up more often? What difference would it make to you – to your life if you gave yourself permission to be who you want to be instead of rebelling and reacting against the demands others are making of you and, rather, focused on clarifying your intentions and embrace the expectations you want to have of yourself and build a life that would bring you joy and happiness?
Just imagine the potential power of embracing the Divine Feminine Principle as your own and giving it permission to express itself through the unique instrument that is you – how much fun you could have!
How Hidden Beliefs Keep You Stuck
If you’ve built your life and self-image in reaction to something, your life is shaped by something you had a strong negative emotional response to, in the past. Some issue or situation you may no longer even be aware of. For instance, as a child you may have witnessed your parents fighting or arguing about money in which you witnessed your mother feeling disempowered by her lack of authority and access to money. The power dynamic you witnessed led you to make a decision, now subconscious, that you would never allow yourself to become economically dependent, based on a belief that economic dependency was demeaning and disempowering.
Identifying the judgment “economic dependency is demeaning and disempowering” and recognizing the trigger – the scene that generated it – gives rise to the opportunity for reflective consideration and an opportunity to accept or reject the belief. Rejecting the belief consciously releases it, creating space. It is a healing moment.
The stronger the emotion you feel towards something, the greater the likelihood that there is an underlying automatic commitment or subconscious belief that holds power.
If freedom is what you want, then identifying and challenging hidden beliefs becomes key. Getting clear about what you want gives you the framework to do the deep inner work. It’s not an easy task to be honest with yourself. Coaching helps. Learn more about our 12 Steps to Becoming an Authentic Mindful Leader.
This is wonderful.