Develop your healing abilities and confidence in the context of a safe and supportive group learning environment from the comfort of your home, through a selection of 2 hour online workshops, using Zoom. Feel free to take one or two, or perhaps all of the sessions offered.
Come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love. Rumi
Workshop Topics and Schedule
Each 2 hour workshop offers:
March 11, 2021 7-9 pm
Centering Consciousness
The Importance of Rooting/Emptying
Registration Deadline: March 1
April 19, 2021 2-4 pm
Self-Alignment and Self-Compassion
Role of Imagery in a TT Session
Registration Deadline: April 9
June 14, 2021 2-4 pm
Conducting the Initial Assessment at a Distance
Registration Deadline: June 4
September 23, 2021 7-9 pm
Engaging Presence
Working with someone with cancer
Registration Deadline: September 13
Register for any one or more workshops or for all four
Space is limited to 12 participants.
Pre-requisite: TT Level 1 recommended
Sessions are hosted by Pranita Murphy (L), Dorothy Ley Hospice Wellness Coordinator and facilitated by JULIA VON FLOTOW (R), a Therapeutic Touch Recognized Teacher and Practitioner. She is also a certified professional life coach and mindfulness trainer