Pre-requisite: Therapeutic Touch Level 3 recommended
The Opportunity
In this workshop, Therapeutic Touch practitioners will:
Explore the experience and role of mindfulness in Therapeutic Touch
- Experience a deep degree of stillness of mind and body
- Experience moment to moment, non-judgmental, non-reactive awareness
- Learn how to reliably cultivate and sustain focused awareness through Therapeutic Touch practice and apply insights gained to everyday life
- Realize their own limitless potential to create authentic and appropriate responses within the context of a Therapeutic Touch session
- Have transformative and healing moments of deep satisfaction, pleasure, and insight along the way, doing all of the above
- Carry home the heart of mindfulness in Therapeutic Touch healing practice
Go Further … Grow your Knowledge … Deepen your Practice
Through listening, we feel ourselves part of the eternal rhythm, one with the flow of the river. It is like being washed clean of our distractions. Dora Kunz
Stilling the Restless Mind is a TTNO Continuing Education workshop, approved for 8 education hours for achieving or maintaining Recognized Practitioner status.
Register Early! Space is limited
Next Workshop Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017
Time: 9:00 – 17:00
Location: Southeast Toronto
Course Cost: $179 plus HST; TTNO Members: $159 plus HST
Early Bird Rate: $149 plus HST; TTNO Members: $139 plus HST
Early Bird Deadline: Friday, Jan. 13, 2017
Registration Deadline: Friday, Feb. 11, 2017
Participants receive:
- Binder with Handouts and Reading List
- Certificate of Participation