Helping clients transcend and transform themselves and their situation for the better is at the heart of my coaching and healing work. Knowing that there is nothing fixed…that “everything jiggles” as the famous physicist, Richard Feynman, so wonderfully quipped, gives me hope as well as a chuckle that lightens my mood even in what may at first appear as very difficult situations.
It’s in having a feel for the “soup we’re in” – an understanding of the dynamic relationship between our selves, others and our environment that can help us develop and grow our capacity and skills for self regulation, coping and navigation. Today’s emphasis on developing “resilience” is not misplaced, given the cumulative effects and pressures on living systems that pollution, pesticides, herbicides, magnetic radiation, climate disturbance, global, economic, social and political tensions and the digital, technological tsunami are having on biological systems.
To find refuge from the deluge of this onslaught and not get overwhelmed or depleted and be able to sustain our commitment to life and living life to the fullest, cultivating personal resilience is an essential survival skill and gold practice to develop.
Natural reality goes beyond any human idea
but the extent to which we can bring it into our world depends on our ideas.
David Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity
Routledge Publications 1996
The 9 basic assumptions that follow, provide me with a framework that helps to calm my overactive, analytical mind and give it a holiday. These assumptions also inspire me to take a leap of faith that engages my heart and imagination in a process of healing and self-renewal.
- Nothing in the universe is fixed. Vibration (energy) is all there is. Energy flows, shifting from wave to particle and particle to wave to particle in a dynamic dance, an ocean of energy containing and sustaining all life. We cannot activate energy. It just is and we are all connected through this ocean of light. Every breath I take, the Universe enters me, nourishes me, knows me better than I know myself and so I surrender control – quieting my mind and entrusting myself to its care.
The Invisible Surround is Us…We create our world!
Like the Earth’s atmosphere, all life forms on Earth have subtle energy or biofields, which sustain their being – an invisible surround that permeates and sustains the physical being, in constant and dynamic interaction with the internal and external environment. 7.83 Hz is the natural pulse or rhythm of the Earth (Shumann Resonance), attuned with the human brain’s alpha and theta states. 7.83 Hertz is the vibration of the ‘soup’ we are in and is considered vital for human health.
- Compassion as Power
The human heart generates a field that is 60 times greater electrically and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than that of the brain, according to HeartMath Institute. A person’s emotional state is reflected in the frequency spectrum of the electrical signals of the heart (its field) and can be measured in the brain waves of others. Compassionate intentionality, love and appreciation show up in the biomagnetic field and can positively affect on the cells of the body. Sustained compassionate intent can induce changes in the structure of water, DNA and accelerate wound healing and tissue repair.
In energy healing modalities like Therapeutic Touch®, practitioners soon discover that the biofield responds to intention – direction sent from the mind, powered by the compassionate intent to facilitate healing. Therapeutic Touch energy healing practitioners learn to influence the direction, density and rhythm of the subtle energy field to restore balance, order, peace and harmony.
Physical entities which seem to be separate and discrete in space and time
are actually unified in an implicit or underlying fashion.
Under an unfolded order of separate things and events
is an enfolded order of undivided wholeness….
and this whole is simultaneously available to each unfolded part.
David Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity
Routledge Publications 1996
- Life has Order as its Basis
Therapeutic Touch teaches that “In a healthy state, life energy flows freely in, through and out of a person’s energy field in an orderly manner. Everyday stress, illness or injury can obstruct, deplete or disorder the energy flow.” Patterns of thought and behaviour inform perception and response creating subtle structures within an individual’s biofield. These subtle structures channel and direct the flow of energy within the system. Set attitudes are reflective of the more subtle invisible, yet palpable, structures within the energy field.
- All Healing is Self Healing
Human beings have the inherent ability to transcend and transform their condition of living (another Therapeutic Touch basic assumption). What’s important to remember is that ability is not the same as capacity….sometimes, we do need “a little help from our friends,” healers, family or governments. Dolores Krieger’s insight, “All healing is self healing” supports this assumption. That’s why asking permission in healing and establishing agreement, in coaching are so essential. The healer and coach are facilitators and catalysts. The client, no matter how traumatized, demented, ill or disturbed, when seen as “already healed” and “whole”, feels honored and is afforded the possibility of activating and engaging their own “Inner Healer” or “Inner Leader” as I sometimes call them… Inviting the client to evoke or call upon their underlying template for optimum health helps them engage their inner healer and activate the healing and empowerment process.
- Energy Flows where Attention Goes – what you focus on gets your energy. To manage your energy, you must learn to direct your attention and manage your focus. Intention, powered by choice, directs your attention. If you focus on your problem, you’ll have more of the same. It’s only by letting go of what’s holding us back – what we’re entangled by, that we can transcend and then transform our condition of living. It’s our attachments that control us.
- Compassionate Intentionality, A Powerfully Creative Agent
Intention-setting is a creative act that engages and aligns your intention, attention, emotions and body. Begin by envisioning what you want – your ideal reality, as if already real. You can believe in a reality you can imagine. To help you clarify your goal (what you want), give yourself permission to experience your ideal in full living colour. If you’re sick, the ideal may be to be well…and there’s a fabulous little tool that’s deep within you, you can call upon. It’s your blueprint or template for optimum wellness.Once you “see your ideal as if already real”, you’ll want to affirm and validate your desire for it – that it truly is what you want. Once affirmed, it’s good to dig a bit deeper…to understand why you want it…your purpose for wanting want you want.Once goal, desire and purpose are aligned, the intention is almost there. What’s missing is your willingness and commitment to act. When all four components of your intention are clear, you’ve got a powerful intention that will, as long as you affirm it (believe in and commit to it), be a master tool to help you manage your attention and direct your focus.Crafting an intention is a creative process that is not always easy to accomplish on your own, as you may be entangled emotionally and trapped psychologically by underlying, limiting beliefs. This is where coaching, with its multitude of tools and techniques to help people get unstuck, focused and in action, can be helpful.
- The Outcome is Beyond Our Control
In Therapeutic Touch healing, the practitioner cultivates a compassionate, healing presence and listens to the field for what wants to be known, open to be guided in the healing process by the unseen intelligence to create conditions for the potential for healing to occur – a setting where the healing partner feels safe and accepted and relaxes deeply, opening themselves and trusting in the possibility of the healing process. The practitioner understands that the outcome is always beyond their control and is so enabled to be fully present without expectation.
- The Imagination is the Heart’s Best Friend
Spirit speaks in symbols, a poetic language of metaphor. Guided imagery is a useful aid to help quiet the mind while also inviting the healing partner to give themselves permission to receive energy. A relaxation response soon follows indicating a shift in the healing partner’s consciousness, a release of tension and a surrender of control to open to the energy exchange that follows as the practitioner engages the subtle energy flows in the healing partner’s field towards wholeness and balance. It’s an immersive experience, also referred to as an active meditation and mindfulness practice in action where the seasoned practitioner trusts themselves to the process and, as instrument of healing, is increasingly guided by the field.The experience for the client or healing partner is one of relaxation, restoration and renewal marked by a reduction of anxiety and stress; less pain; improved sleep, clarity of mind and an improved sense of wellness.Because there is nothing fixed and everything jiggles, we live in an ocean of possibilities. Leading with intention and living your practice challenges you to engage your creative spirit and direct your own unfolding. Coaching helps! Contact us to get started.
“Consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter.
Spirit can only enter dense matter if one does inner work on oneself
to build the inner infrastructure ….the more infrastructure,
the more consciousness exists within you and flows through you
and you become aware of things you were never aware of before…
and you do more work on yourself and become more conscious.
And you unfold step by step.”
Dr. Bill Tiller