Gifts From the Heart are Gifts For the Heart

Gifts From the Heart are Gifts For the Heart1Consider giving gifts that help people deepen their appreciation for themselves and their world. Doing so will require you to take time out from your busy life and reflect on those you love and want to gift. This action of slowing down and reflecting will help you de-stress and begin to heal your heart.

All healing is self healing

The practice of reflecting will help you:

  • slow down and quiet your mind
  • recognize what’s working for you in your relationships
  • sort and organize the millions of tiny stressors bombarding you every moment into those you can control and those you can’t
  • gain insight and choose the kinds of gifts that will have the greatest healing impact for yourself and your loved ones.
  • gain peace of mind, enlighten and heal your heart 

Gifts of Healing are Gifts that foster Personal Growth 

Gifts From the Heart are Gifts For the Heart2Gifts from the heart empower people to Be more rather than have more, lead to growth and will never end in the landfill. Here are some ideas:

Gifts From the Heart are Gifts For the Heart3The possibilities are endless and the creative approach to sharing your love and appreciation with others will help keep you grounded, compassionate and at the centre of your world while enhancing your relationships and the sustainability of your community.

The best gift to receive is love found in the hearts of true friends. The greatest gift you can give someone is your presence, love & full attention. 

The Gift of Coaching is a gift that keeps on giving.

Whether you give the Gift of Coaching to your Self or you give it to someone you love, a coaching journey will help you create a blueprint for a healthier and happier life. It’s an investment that pays dividends many times over. Learn more.

This year make your gifts, gifts from the heart – gifts that heal.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at