Your Inner Sanctuary – A Place of Sacred Connection

Your Inner Sanctuary 1Inner space is the quiet space at the centre of your life. A space that only you can access and shape into a safe and sacred Inner Sanctuary that offers you a retreat from the busy-ness of the world where you can connect with what matters to you and renew yourself on a regular basis.

At Kaizen Leadership Institute,   we help you restore your sense of wholeness, balance and well being and become more deeply aware and connected with your true authentic Self. Developing a relationship to your Inner Sanctuary and getting in touch with “The Leader Within” who dwells there, brings you clarity on “who you are”, “what you want” and your unique life path.

Realizing The Inner Sanctuary in you is both a process and a destination. The core foundational practices you learn help you realize that this inner sanctuary has always been within you yet perhaps dormant and not always easy to access. Practices like meditation, contemplation, reflection, introspection, visualization and guided imagery are tools and techniques we introduce you to and help you make your own.

It is when you embrace your authentic Self, the Leader that dwells within, at the heart of your Inner Sanctuary, that you connect with your essential nature and become whole.  You are the living channel or bridge that allows for this unification, and in the process,  in this healing moment, you are restored.

Each and every time you return to and re-enter the Inner Sanctuary for guidance and support, you honour the unity of All That Is and when you truly live the moment and allow yourself to feel the all pervading Love that is generated in the process, you come to a new kind of embodied knowing. You know that the answer to any question you may have resides within.

To access this knowledge all you need do is open to the wisdom and clarity of your higher, authentic Self. In those moments where stress triggers activate your “hot buttons” and you get drawn into dramas of conflict and fear, you will learn how to return to your sacred center – your Inner Sanctuary to recalibrate your Being, ground and centre yourself and respond more effectively.

Your task is to stay grounded, centered and strong, holding firm to the values that anchor you in this world and allow you to let Peace and Love, always there, yet sometimes hidden, guide your every move.

Holistic healing  and life coaching sessions   help you clarify your values, purpose, vision and mission and create a new sense of meaning and direction in your life…key to your well being and sanity that empowers you to take inspired action to create a life of your dreams.

We hold the space for you to explore and create personal rites and rituals that let you take inspired intentional actions and build empowering foundational practices and cultivate healthy lifestyle habits that, together, create a solid foundation for a happy and fulfilling life, however you define it.

Contact us to discuss your needs.

Peace, Love and Strength!



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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at