In 2011, I learned that I had a brain tumour. I was facing brain surgery and I was terrified!
I began seeing a psychotherapist who also offered me Therapeutic Touch® (TT) sessions. I was well aware of the serious risks and possible post-op complications with my surgery and prepared for the worst.
I also worked hard at managing my fears by visualizing the best possible outcomes. Therapeutic Touch sessions offered me the safe and supportive, meditative conditions that I needed to do this important inner work.
A Therapeutic Touch healing team was set up to support me before and immediately following my brain surgery. Visits to the hospital were scheduled and distance Therapeutic Touch healing was also offered. Hours and days after my surgery, a series of kind strangers, Therapeutic Touch practitioners, visited my bedside and gently and lovingly moved their hands around me, helping me relax, find peace and sleep. I gave these strangers nothing except the permission to help me. I was astounded by their generosity and love.
In tandem with the excellence of my medical team and my own dogged determination, I am convinced that Therapeutic Touch contributed to my positive outcome. I evaded the devastating possible side-effects of the brain surgery, and my healing journey was free of setbacks.
I believe that Therapeutic Touch assisted me in healing physically and emotionally. Therapeutic Touch gave me a sense of peace and calm. It gave me the confidence that my body was able to heal itself and that by working with the Therapeutic Touch healers, I could move myself towards a state of health and well-being.
Feeling buoyed and grateful, I decided to learn Therapeutic Touch and understand my healing journey from a healer’s perspective. I took the basic Therapeutic Touch training and joined a local Therapeutic Touch Practice Group for ongoing mentoring and support. I continue to learn and grow with every healing session that I offer and receive.
A Test of Courage
Four years later, November 2015, when I learned that the brain tumour had grown, I was emotionally shaken.
My Therapeutic Touch Practice Group was a great help and support. Once again, a Therapeutic Touch healing team was coordinated for me. This time, working together with Julia von Flotow (TT Practice Group Leader and Healing Team coordinator) our intention was to provide me with the energy and inner strength to meet whatever was to be with courage and equanimity. Healing sessions were scheduled on a regular weekly basis in my home.
I was feeling scared and reluctant about my upcoming radiation treatments and the calming effects of the Therapeutic Touch sessions helped me on an emotional level. I also hoped that TT would help prepare my body to co-operate as well as possible with the medical intervention. Again, I did very well and experienced none of the unpleasant side-effects that commonly occur with radiation.
Therapeutic Touch has opened me up to a community of helpers. Accepting the help that has been offered to me has reinforced my faith in humanity, in the generosity of people, in my own worth, and in the power of energy field healing available through Therapeutic Touch. For that, I am forever grateful.