How to Activate Your Blueprint for Optimum Health and Wellness

Your blueprint for optimal health and wellness is within you as the oak tree is to the acorn. Imagine it as always being there – at the centre of your being.

To activate self-healing, call upon this blueprint for optimal health. Think of it as shifting a handheld kaleidoscope to the select view – the view you want to call into focus….your blueprint or template for optimum health. Intuitively you will know when you have it. It feels right. Then hold it – frame it, claim it and say to yourself, “Yes, THIS is what I want – I choose optimal health and wellbeing!”

Now, imagine this blueprint of optimal health and wellness of yourself as a hologram or three dimensional image in full colour and let it become as if real in your mind’s eye.

Remember, the more you know about your body, the greater your ability to imagine it in 3D. Once you have it in your mind’s eye, burn it into your consciousness, like burning a dvd or cd on your computer.

Holding this hologram-like image of your blueprint for optimal health and wellness in your mind’s eye – imagine it in front of you.

Visualize a stream of light beaming down on the hologram-like image of yourself, entering through the fontanel on the top of your head and streaming into the area of the heart centre, infusing and filling it with healing light.

Notice how the healing light fills the heart centre and then radiates outward in all directions to penetrate into each and every cell.

It is important to remember to breathe mindfully throughout this practice. Breathing mindfully is to breathe intentionally – completing the inbreath with

appreciation and  awareness of the gift of breath as a gift of life. Having breathed in fully and completely, pause for a moment to appreciate and be grateful for the gift of life you have just received.

Recognizing that the breath of life is available to you through the Universal Healing Field – that is the atmosphere that surrounds you at all times, relax and enjoy. An infinite supply surrounds you…an ocean of light, of breath!

There’s more where that came from. Relax! There’s nothing to worry about. You are not alone!

The Universe supports you with every breath.

Prepare to release.

On the out breath consciously release any and all toxins you are holding in your body, mind and emotions. Let go of any resentments, fears, worries and doubts. Experiencing the rhythm and flow of your breath, say to yourself,

“I am an open system.

I breathe in peace and I become peaceful

Filled with peace, I am peaceful.

Embracing Stillness. I breathe out peace.

At Peace within; At Peace without. I am at Peace.”

Allow whatever time is required to complete this process, while breathing mindfully, releasing whatever you no longer need or want.

Once the stream of light has stabilized, imagine you have a dimmer switch and adjust the light stream to the intensity you want to be able to study it the hologram.  Now scan the hologram of your blueprint for optimal health and wellness from head to foot, pay close attention to every detail of the image and how looking at it closely, makes you feel, ie the feelings and sensations – the information and feedback – your body is giving you.

When you experience a feeling or sensation in your physical body during the scan of the hologram of your blueprint for optimum health and wellness, pause and notice – notice without judgment or commentary…simply pause and listen deeply, seek to understand, send compassionate thoughts to this body part and open up your focal attention – like a camera lens opens to let in light, and ask that part of you,

“What is it that this part of me wants me to know?”

“How can I help?”

Simply be there and listen for whatever it is that wants to be known. Notice how the information comes to you – how it is being transmitted…in words, image, felt sensation, a deep inner knowing etc.

This is an active process of creating the conditions for resonance and alignment between the blueprint for optimum health and wellness at the core of your being and the state of health you currently find yourself in.

Having established a peaceful inner culture and focused your intention on self-healing, now imagine yourself as strong and deeply rooted as an ancient tree with very deep roots.

Visualize a vortex of white light, tender and lovingly descending, embracing and entering into the three dimensional hologram image of yourself enjoying optimal health and wellness.

Be open and notice what you are experiencing.

Self healing is a practice coaching support and guided imagery can facilitate.   With practice you will develop your imagination, strengthen your ability to create intentions and develop your ability to direct your attention to build the self-confidence needed to open to and trust the information you are receiving from your body and the Universal Healing Field. May you be blessed! May you be healed! May you be at Peace.


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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at


  1. Thank you Julia, a wonderful blog and reminding me of many beneficial healing sessions with you.