Letter from a client to her coach

Dear Julia

I didn’t know much about coaching when I first came to you a few years ago It was a literal case of Beginner’s Mind. Our first 12 session journey turned out to be magical. It gave me such hope in being able to escape a problem I had had since I was a child and I felt excitement for whatever coaching was yet to come.

With each subsequent journey I experienced progress! A set of 12 coaching sessions, followed by 6 to 8 months to integrate what I had learned by the living of it, was a perfect rhythm for me, knowing that you were always only an email or call away to check in and touch base in case I felt the need.

I have learned to trust the coaching process recognizing that whatever emerges is always helpful. By the end of this last coaching journey, I realized that the original knot I’d come to you to help me untangle was gone…had magically dissolved and I was transformed.

There have been so many breakthroughs – for me a big one during this last journey was releasing the grief I felt over the loss of a loved one – the sudden feeling of peace flooding into every part of my body with the release of sadness was an enormous gift!

The support you offered me throughout is a constant. I experience it as a feeling of you ‘always being there’, really listening to me. To feel and know that I am truly being heard is an amazing feeling of safety and trust. Your kindness, gentleness, strength and understanding contribute to a feeling of unconditional support that gives me the courage to keep going, face my fears, see the pain and anguish for what it is and, with a bit of humor, laughter, fun and joy that’s always there in our sessions, find the compassion within me to let it go, forgive myself, let myself heal and become free.

The results speak for themselves. The introduction of mindfulness into my life – how I live, think, work, walk, eat, any and everything has changed my life and I am very grateful for it. I love this experience of deep peace, a quiet and calm happiness – being more present in the moment, now my status quo that is, when I remember to live my practice.

The mindfulness practices you taught me are the most valuable treasure I gained from coaching with you. It is by living this practice that has helped me develop the confidence to set and manage personal boundaries. I feel so much better about myself and increasingly with every journey, you have helped me realize how and why I should and can believe in myself and how to take baby steps towards creating a life that is rich and fulfilling and I am…and it is. I have loved every journey we have traveled together.

Thank you, Julia.

Cielo Sereno
February 2018.

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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader kaizenleadershipinstitute.com/12steps/ has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses. www.kaizenleadershipinstitute.com.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at https://ca.linkedin.com/in/juliavonflotow or email her at julia@kaizenleadershipinstitute.com.