An Invitation to Open to the Magic of the Holiday Season

Give yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of your life to open to the magic of the season. You owe it to yourself.

  1. Simply pause, tune inwards and take a few deep breaths to quiet your mind. Now, listen to your heart. Trust that it will guide you – move you to attend to that which wants your attention. Stay present to your heart and give yourself permission to feel.

  3. Appreciate your experience…whatever it is you are feeling – let yourself experience it fully, without judgment. The mind quiet, the body relaxed. Give yourself permission to feel alright about whatever it is you are experiencing…just notice what it is.

  5. Feeling now, whatever it is you are experiencing. Your mind quiet; your emotions easy, in harmony, flowing. Notice your breathing….slower, deeper, gentle – your entire body mind breathing as one, connected to your Self, your heart centre relaxing, opening, at ease.

  7. Your heart, the hearth – at the centre of your Being, honour it. What does it want you to know? What gift of insight does it want to share with you? Listen deeply…open yourself up to who you are…deep inside and appreciate that what you are…enjoy your Self.

  9. Accept yourself. Love yourself unconditionally – no strings attached. Love yourself fully, unabashedly. You are just right the way you are. Embrace yourself, your gifts, talents, strengths and challenges…altogether, they are what make you, you. Love it all! Love yourself just the way you are…

  11. Now love your life…the life you’ve been living. See it as a gift, that you have been creating. A gift of life, of living that’s bringing you insights, awareness, opportunities to learn, to develop, to grow, to give, to share, to love. Love all those in your life that have helped you get to where you are, both those that have made it easy and those that have made it challenging. Love them all.

  13. Now, revisit your heart centre and bask in the glow of the hearth within and ask your heart what it is you want – it wants for you? And invite your imagination to create an image, a vision of your ideal life, as if already real. Give your imagination free reign to create the vision as real as only you can imagine, engaging all five of your senses….then right draw a picture and journal your thoughts and let yourself, in your decision-making, be guided the vision your heart mind has created for you.

  15. Trust your inner guidance and go play. Have some fun. What action can you take that will feel good, that will bring you joy? Do that and right away….give yourself permission to have fun, express yourself creatively, joyously. Take pleasure in the joy and ease of living simply, spontaneously, effortlessly.

  17. Share your Joy. Whatever it is that makes you happy, share it with another – a friend, family member or stranger….or all and anyone else. The more we share our joy, the greater it becomes. Let others share their joy with you. Feel the connections and when you do, notice the interconnections that happen spontaneously.

  19. Take note of what’s working for you and appreciate, better still, celebrate your little successes. The more you notice what’s working, the better you’ll get at making choices that are right for you. Respect your choice making ability. It is an amazing gift. The more you develop it, the happier you’ll be.

As this year comes to a close, I invite you to reflect on the year you’ve just lived.

What were some of your happiest moments? Write them down….what role did you play in making these moments your happiest?

What action can you take to honour the year you’ve just lived?

What insight and wisdom gained moves you to look towards the coming year, with a spirit of hope, wonder, strength and courage?

What is it you want to create for yourself, for the world in the coming year?

What is it that is wanting to emerge?

Wishing you and yours a very happy holidays and peaceful new year!

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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at