It’s all ONE – when you own your past.
For when you own your past it doesn’t own you.
You’ve accepted it and accepting it you know it and yourself,
Realizing what motivated you to make the choices you made
You let go of the need to find someone to blame, feel guilt or shame.
It just is what it is!
Accepting your past, you accept yourself
Recognizing your strengths and the things you value
Those things that make you strong and give you a sense of peace
You trust yourself. In a world that’s constantly changing
You know you can count on yourself.
You just are who you are!
There’s no sense in blaming others for your lack of observation, awareness, sensitivity or discernment. These are things you can develop. Yet, to recognize your own needs, drives and passions and see how they drove you to act and learn to regulate them by making choices in the present moment – choices that are yours alone – choices, whether they are good are not, are yours alone. Now that is leadership presence!
It is up to you to set your terms. The terms and conditions that make you feel good, challenge and inspire you to be your best, to live here, to live now…to learn to feel deeply, think clearly and act wisely.
Whatever the story you tell yourself and others, your mother, your father, your sister and your brother, your friend, co-worker, lover and other will tell another.
Does the story you live by empower you or not? It’s your story. Write it good!
If your story chains you to some distant or not so distant past, you’ll end up fighting the shadow reality you’ve created every time you want to move forward.
Discovering the real you is only possible in the present moment – rich with infinite possibilities if and only if you are free, open and mindful of yourself as a being with infinite potential. So let go of the limiting thoughts of your past and the story that keeps you stuck and sabotaging your creative being. Let yourself be inspired by the infinite possibilities and live here, now, ready, willing and able to engage in the present moment and respond with loving kindness to whatever may present itself to you to create the story that will empower your life.
Accept the past. Learn from it and let it will grow you. You are much more than that. Live in the here and now – where the possibilities are infinite and love yourself. Only love for yourself and life will help you transcend and transform your condition of living and empower you to greatness. Coaching can help.
Self care starts with self appreciation and forgiveness. Only you can heal the wounds and scars you suffer. Be gentle with yourself….just like you would be with a baby bird that’s fallen out of its nest or a kitten that’s been injured. Compassion is loving kindness, a learned skill, you can develop with practice. Only you can make yourself feel worthy and deserving.
You just are who you are!
Invest in yourself. Give yourself the loving kindness and undivided attention you deserve and notice how in doing so, you open the way for the world to respond in like manner. Begin today. See and acknowledge what makes you feel good, what gives you pleasure, joy and peace and choose accordingly. When you do – just notice how life gets better moment by moment…. and be grateful.