Stuck on Money? Make Peace with Money and Enjoy Abundance!

Many people are stuck on money, obsess and feel conflicted about their relationship with money. What about you?

Whatever we’re stuck on and obsess about has a hold on us – traps and entangles us in a mess and mire of limiting and conflicting beliefs that keep us blind to possibilities and compromise our success and happiness.

This inner conflict about money is prevalent in all sectors of society.

People who focus their energy on caring for others or those who want to make a positive difference in the world at the expense of balancing their need for money may shun money – feeling that it’s beneath them, somehow toxic with the power to contaminate or discolour their noble intentions.

Without access to money, though, you simply won’t get very far in life – making a positive difference in the world OR feeling financially secure and empowered to have the impact you want to have in the world, no matter whether the money you work with is yours or someone else’s.

Others may mistake financial security and success for happiness and invest all their energy and time into becoming rich.

Balancing greed and need within the framework of your values leads to acceptance and integrity and is at the heart of healing your relationship with money and being more effective in the world.

Resolving your inner conflict about money creates the possibility for clarity of focus, enhanced energy and purposeful action to create the change you want to see in your life and in the world.

Symptoms as Indicators

14 Indicators of the Stuck on Money Conflict include:

  1. Any kind of financial problem
  2. Cash flow issues
  3. Low sales
  4. Attracting demanding and difficult clients
  5. Accounts Receivable/client payment issues
  6. Client relationship management issues
  7. Debt management issues
  8. Hoarding, scrimping when there’s no need to do so
  9. Self-denying habits expressed through workaholic behaviour
  10. Feeling stuck, trapped – unable to get into action
  11. Frustration due to lack of progress/success
  12. Devaluing your time, products and services – under-charging, under-earning, over-delivering or over-spending Money
  13. Self-sabotaging behaviour – lack of self-accountability – not honouring commitments you made to yourself; transgressing boundaries, lack of Self-care.
  14. Feelings of self-contempt, lack self-trust and feelings of unworthiness

Imagine the Possibilities

money2Now, imagine being able to balance your desire to make a positive difference in the world with your need for financial security.

Can you imagine giving yourself permission to take pleasure in the abundance the world has to offer while securing your financial future and leveraging it for the good works you want to effect in the world?



Money – the Great Enabler!

money3Imagine if you could attract all the money you wanted – if you could be and do whatever you wanted, how would that feel – what would that look like?

Giving yourself permission to dream is a challenge when you feel yourself trapped, tied up in an inner conflict, the source of which you’re unclear about.

What if you could make peace with money and open yourself to the possibility that you could enjoy and direct the abundance the universe has to offer while having the positive impact you so wish to effect?

What if the proverbial Pot of Gold was really a Pot of Possibilities that money enabled? How would that shift in perspective affect your behaviour?

No matter what you may think, it is how you feel about money and the stories you tell yourself or let others tell you about money that interferes with your ability to master your relation to it – to command it money4and create a relationship with money that serves your highest purpose.

Take Stock – Assess Your Situation

What are your money values and where do they come from?

Stop and reflect – how satisfied are you with your financial picture? Check the actual results in your life (assets, savings, income, cash flow) against your desires, what you want and let the size of the gap reveal to you that you have some limiting beliefs about money.

What beliefs around money had to be in place for you to have created your current circumstances?

Beliefs Shape Experience

It’s your beliefs that shape your:

  • Expectations
  • Behaviour and
  • Results.

The beliefs you hold about money give rise to your thoughts and create the emotions you associate with money and wealth to produce the inner conflict or inner peace you feel when you think about money or the things that money can provide.

It’s been very well demonstrated that our belief system affects how we behave and how we perform…It also affects our lifestyle, so that if we don’t believe that we can help ourselves, we probably cannot. If we don’t believe that positive information is useful to our health and well-being, it probably won’t be. Edgar Mitchell, PhD

Check your Beliefs

Examining the beliefs you hold about wealth and exploring your money values is the first step towards taking responsibility and empowering yourself to achieve the abundance you want to welcome into your life.

Facing your fears, doubts and being honest with yourself is the first step to reclaiming your energy and creating the life you desire and deserve.

Review the list below and add some of your own.

9 Common Beliefs about Money that Keep People Stuck:

  1. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  2. Time is money
  3. There’s never enough money
  4. Money is hard to come by
  5. You have to choose between time and money
  6. Money doesn’t buy happiness
  7. Money is dirty
  8. Money corrupts and changes people
  9. Money is the root of all evil

What pain and suffering have your beliefs about money created in your life, business or relationships?

Feelings Reflect your Beliefs

Your felt response to money beliefs is reflected in the stories you tell yourself. These can range from brief, judgmental statements to elaborate and colourful stories that blame others for your shortcomings and reveal a relinquishing of responsibility, authority, accountability, and power.

Consider the impact of disempowering thoughts, fears and doubts run through your head programming your attitude about money on your behaviour.

15 Self-Sabotaging Stories about Money People Tell Themselves

  1. I will never have enough money
  2. I can’t afford anything I want
  3. Money always seems to slip through my fingers
  4. I’m trapped in a cycle of creating and repaying my debts\
  5. Even if I wanted to, I never seem to get ahead
  6. I’m not smart enough to be wealthy
  7. I can’t imagine being rich – I’ve always only been poor.
  8. I’ve always scrimped and saved for everything I have
  9. It is impossible for me to make money effortlessly and easily
  10. I’m not worthy – I don’t deserve to be rich
  11. It’s greedy to be making money easily and effortlessly
  12. Even if I wanted to get rich, I’d probably just fail anyway
  13. If I were to become wealthy, my family will be jealous and I’d lose my friends
  14. If I were to become rich, I’m afraid I’d be consumed with my money
  15. You can’t be spiritual and rich at the same time.9k


Underlying Automatic Commitments are limiting beliefs that steal your energy. The I can’t-have, I am not deserving beliefs and attitudes, so often combine with a voracious desire and appetite for things and stuff that create an emotional frenzy that doesn’t allow you to open to receive.

This intense emotional conflict results in a mental confusion that keeps you stuck, trapped, paralyzed and feeling small, powerless and frustrated.

Your experiences around money as a child can contribute to how you feel about money and wealth as an adult. Releasing painful memories and experiences around money with energy healing and coaching can be very helpful

The quality of the relationship, the rapport that develops between coach and client creates the safe and sacred space necessary for transformation and facilitates the exploration, discovery and conscious decision-making necessary to make peace with money and enjoy abundance.

Only you can change your life.

We can help you transform your beliefs, clarify your vision and design step by step actions and support you to build an inspired life but only you can change your life. Coaching helps. Learn more about our 12 Steps to Becoming an Authentic Mindful Leader.



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About Julia von Flotow

Julia von Flotow is an executive coach, Therapeutic Touch Teacher and Practitioner, mindfulness instructor, and founder of the Kaizen Leadership Institute and Therapeutic Touch Institute, Toronto, Canada. Her 12 step program to becoming an authentic and mindful leader has helped hundreds of independent professionals and business owners live happier lives and build more sustainable businesses.

Enquire about the Integrative Self Health Coach certified training program and her 8 week online Mindfulness Practice Development Program. Connect with her on Linked In at or email her at