Meditation Practice Brings us Home to Ourselves

American psychotherapist and educator Lawrence LeShan in his book How to Meditate, The Acclaimed Guide to Self-Discovery recognizes the aim of meditation practices to be “inner growth and development – to help the individual reach their own special, fullest potential in being, relating and creating” and “doing consciously what would otherwise be … [Read more...]

Person-Centered Therapy at the Heart of Coaching

Person-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers  in the mid 1950s, assumes that human beings have an innate drive to grow towards their potential when they are in a nurturing and accepting environment. Premise In Rogers’ person-centered therapy the client is recognized as the expert; the therapist creates the environment that will facilitate … [Read more...]

Imagination is the Heart’s Best Friend

Balance is dynamic (not static) - a state of optimum health marked by rhythm and flow. Optimum wellness is the felt experience of body, emotions, mind and spirit in a state of coherence – a state of openness, expanded awareness accompanied by a sense of oneness with ALL THAT IS, a feeling of true freedom and perfect abundance. While many … [Read more...]

Deep Healing is just that – Deep!

Deep healing is akin to deep listening. To get to the level of healing that’s required to heal trauma in yourself you have to first open to yourself and listen deeply, patiently with compassion and forgiveness. This, deep and active listening, in itself, is a challenge and a particularly trying one for someone who is suffering with post traumatic … [Read more...]

Is Active Listening Possible When You’re Upset or Angry?

It's well recognized that the capacity to innovate is a function of active listening and is often compromised by chronic job and life stressors and energy traps.  Your ability to listen and actually hear is influenced internally, by what you are feeling and what you are thinking and externally, by stimuli that distracts you. Active listening … [Read more...]