Management vs Leadership…A Dance of Head and Heart

Harmony and productivity result when management and leadership work in partnership, doing things right and doing the right things. Entrepreneurs, artists and other self-governed individuals are both President and CEO of their own enterprise. As President, you lead from the heart to: Develop your personal mission Define your direction … [Read more...]

Transcendence: Key to Transformation

It’s the dramas in life, the story we tell ourselves and each other that get us entangled and stuck. A conflict, whether with yourself or another, is a variation on this theme. It’s an entanglement. Some people, addicted to drama, seek out conflict. It feeds their passion and makes them feel alive and strong. Others like conflict especially if they … [Read more...]

Beliefs that Limit or Empower – Your Choice!

A belief is a composite view or mindset that consists of a set of ideas or assumptions, theories we assume to be true. The belief you hold may be implicit and underlying expressed through our attitude and behaviour shaped by early conditioning – what we witnessed and observed in our families and internalized growing up as impressionable and … [Read more...]

What Commands Your Attention, Deserves Your Focus

Commitment to a thing that matters to you requires that you first recognize it as a priority. Right here, right now, THIS is what matters to you and so you give it your full attention. It engages and commands your attention and compels you to focus. What’s in the way? It is this compelling presence that receives your full attention – your energy … [Read more...]