The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of appreciation and self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. To acknowledge and be … [Read more...]
The Guts – Inner Athenor, a Transformational Powerhouse
“Feed the fire in your belly and your dreams will become clear to you.” Julia von Flotow It’s in your belly that dreams are born…the desire for something awakens hope and with hope comes possibilities activating the imagination, the creative indwelling Spirit and the heart’s best friend. Creating the inner safe space for dreaming stokes the fires … [Read more...]
You Are Connected. Now, Just Plug In!
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest … [Read more...]
The Authentic Self ~ Key to Unlocking Human Potential
Your human potential is far greater than you might expect; far more expansive than the little bit that you have manifested in your physical body and conscious experience of life. Many dimensions of human consciousness are invisible and hidden. We are mostly unaware of the different states of consciousness we experience and subtle energy flows that … [Read more...]
Redefining Success Guides The Coaching Journey
Three years ago, when Melissa first came to me for coaching, she shared with me that “everything in my life was out of whack (work/career, relationships, confidence and love for myself). I wanted to improve balance and alignment in my life.” In this article I have drawn on Melissa’s coaching journals and conversations, with her permission, along … [Read more...]