On Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Coaching and Healing Over the next few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promising to revolutionize the world as we know it. In many sectors of society, it already is! While I don’t consider myself an “early adaptor” I recognize that the world around me and the economic, political, and … [Read more...]
Mindset – Key to Liberation or Enslavement
I see it time and again…how what a client believes shapes their perception and limits their experience. What does it take to have an “open” mind? Why does it matter? The assumption is that if your mind’s made up, you’ve come to a judgment and require no more information. Your mind is therefore closed and you direct your available energy to … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch Works! For Healing and Wellness in Hospital and Long Term Care Settings Field Research Report, Spring 2018
The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario’s annual CARE150 Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week May 7 – 13, 2018, provided an opportunity to conduct a modest research project on respondents’ experience of their Therapeutic Touch® sessions. Therapeutic Touch (TT), an evidence-based, complementary, biofield therapy affects body, mind, emotions and … [Read more...]
Stress Kills, if You Let It… Learn to Relax!
Every living system is equipped with two modes of being – growth or defence. Peace and harmony are requisite conditions for growth. When these conditions are right, the living system’s growth experience has characteristic qualities of flow, rhythm, strength and symmetry. Growth, however can be frustrated, hindered or arrested by stress, triggered … [Read more...]
Imagination is the Heart’s Best Friend
Balance is dynamic (not static) - a state of optimum health marked by rhythm and flow. Optimum wellness is the felt experience of body, emotions, mind and spirit in a state of coherence – a state of openness, expanded awareness accompanied by a sense of oneness with ALL THAT IS, a feeling of true freedom and perfect abundance. While many … [Read more...]
Mindfulness, a Path of Awareness
Mindfulness is an ancient discipline of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. Mindfulness practice develops awareness and alleviates suffering. Jon Kabat Zinn who popularized Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in North America, defines mindfulness as “a state of moment to moment to moment, non-judgmental … [Read more...]
Healing Fatigue
When you are fatigued that’s it, you’re fatigued. There’s nothing more! In a state of fatigue, you are aware primarily of your inner state of extreme tiredness, which typically results from mental or physical overexertion or perhaps from a chronic condition or illness. Fatigue is marked by a lessening of joy or enthusiasm for something you … [Read more...]
Is Yours A Spiritual Hunger?
What do you really hunger for? It’s spiritual hunger I’m speaking of - a hunger for wholeness, balance and a sense of connectedness. When you've satisfied your spiritual hunger, you make do with a lot less of everything else, no longer needing or wanting to clutter up your life. How often, in your work-a-day life, do you live on automatic pilot, … [Read more...]
Accept and Then Embrace Your Life. There’s Power There!
Change is all there is….you are continually changing and the context of your life – your family, workplace, home life, community, environment and the world is continually changing. Technological developments have always driven change from the industrial revolution to the great cultural, social and economic change catalyzed by the digital era we are … [Read more...]