Kaizen – The Art and Science of Continuous Improvement

KAIZEN has two meanings. In Sanskrit, kaizen means, renew the heart and make it good. Kaizen is also a Japanese philosophy and system of continuous improvement...Kai meaning "change", "renew", "reform" and Zen meaning "good", "virtue". A literary translation of kai-zen is "betterment" that focuses on doing more with less which we, in the West, have … [Read more...]

How Highly Sensitive People can Conquer Overwhelm and Depletion and Leverage their Special Gifts

As a Therapeutic Touch teacher and coach, I’ve met a host of highly sensitive people. Deeply empathic and highly intuitive, they tell me they find themselves easily overwhelmed and/or depleted by others and the world around them. Often highly creative, introspective and reflective, many are drawn to the healing arts where their special empathic and … [Read more...]

Cultivating Presence
Key to Self-Empowered, Authentic Leadership!

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Anatomy of a Habit and How to Over-ride Old, Counter-Productive Conditioning

Engrams are what neurophysiologists call learned behaviour, neural patterns put to memory. They are coded step by step instructions for each habitual movement. The first time we do anything, whether learning to dance, swim, drive or walk, we have no engrams to rely on, so our movement is erratic and sloppy. With repeated practice, the engrams, for … [Read more...]

Coaching for Professional Development, Business Best-Practices and Personal Growth

I signed up for a 12 session coaching program with Kaizen Leadership Institute to develop my ability to manage in a more organized and efficient manner without changing my commitment to the democratic organizational structure at Pure and Simple, my business of 20 years. After 3 months of coaching, I’ve enjoyed significant improvement in my … [Read more...]

Healing Wounds One Layer at a Time

Illnesses, loss of loved ones, career missteps and relationship failures, accidents, traumas or past abuse are part of the human conditions we are all subject to. Whether minor or serious these setbacks can leave their mark. They are part of our history and life story. What matters is not the thing itself but how we relate to it…how we see it … [Read more...]

Spirit Called Awake

As dictionary.com defines it, Spirit is “the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul”. To “inspirit” means “to animate with fresh courage, to encourage, urge on or stir up, as to action.” Inspiration has a similar meaning “stimulation or arousal of the mind or feelings to … [Read more...]

Transcendence: Key to Transformation

It’s the dramas in life, the story we tell ourselves and each other that get us entangled and stuck. A conflict, whether with yourself or another, is a variation on this theme. It’s an entanglement. Some people, addicted to drama, seek out conflict. It feeds their passion and makes them feel alive and strong. Others like conflict especially if they … [Read more...]

The Power of the Circle

Today I want to write about the circle and what it evokes in me. The circle, as symbol, metaphor and as a living and dynamic form is “alive”. A circle has no beginning and no end. It is an open system; a symbol of wholeness, integration, oneness, eternal, presence and continuous self-renewal and as Rumi so beautifully expressed, the circle is … [Read more...]

Vitality is Life: Some Conditions Apply!

 There’s no season that teaches us more about vitality than Spring when nature’s primal life-giving force is irrepressible and the growing conditions are just right to activate earth’s inherent fecundity in an explosion of colour, scent and growth everywhere around us. Nature’s abundant generosity stirs us awake at our very core, and inspired by … [Read more...]