Beginners Mind Makes Facing Change Fun

Facing change in our lives takes courage and strength of character. Change is not going away. It's here with increasing complexity, frequency and intensity. How we well we do at accepting change is critical to our well being and our survival. So, how can we be pro active towards change? Can we learn to surf the wave of change - be the change … [Read more...]

Cultivating a Coaching Presence

The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. Ralph Waldo Emerson Cultivating a coaching presence is a practice of awareness in action - of being your authentic best self, moment to moment within the context of a coaching session, aware and free of the pressures of conflicting, limiting or contradictory beliefs and … [Read more...]

Gifts From the Heart are Gifts For the Heart

Consider giving gifts that help people deepen their appreciation for themselves and their world. Doing so will require you to take time out from your busy life and reflect on those you love and want to gift. This action of slowing down and reflecting will help you de-stress and begin to heal your heart. All healing is self healing.  The … [Read more...]

Stress and Gender

Research on women’s responses to stressors suggests that women experience a wider range of life events (e.g., those happening to friends) as stressful as compared with men who react to a more limited range of stressful events, specifically those affecting themselves or close family members. Studies show that women tend to react more to chronic … [Read more...]

The Guts –  Inner Athenor, a Transformational Powerhouse

“Feed the fire in your belly and your dreams will become clear to you.” Julia von Flotow It’s in your belly that dreams are born…the desire for something awakens hope and with hope comes possibilities activating the imagination, the creative indwelling Spirit and the heart’s best friend. Creating the inner safe space for dreaming stokes the fires … [Read more...]

You Are Connected. Now, Just Plug In!

“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest … [Read more...]

Finding FLOW

What is FLOW? FLOW, a term initially coined by Positive Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, as the experience of being in a state of ease and joy. It is the occasion or event in which challenges are effectively matched to capabilities and we are fully and creatively present. When in FLOW: Focus and concentrate on the task at … [Read more...]

No matter what, be human first!

No matter what... Life's a sketch, a drama that triggers emotion, Where one inspired phrase can send hope soaring And one clumsy act can dash what has been built.  No matter what... Remember people, no matter who, are human first. Deep within, awaken the compassionate heart And summon the human in you.  No matter what... Embrace change … [Read more...]

Coaching – A Learning Journey of Transformation and Empowerment

My first year of coaching is vividly imprinted on my memory. My challenge and intention were the same – to be there, fully present, attentive to the coachee for the duration of the session. My aim was to be mindfully present, an independent, objective and compassionate listener and coach, attentive without judgment allowing none of my own thoughts … [Read more...]

Manage Your Energy for Sustainable Success

The topic of Work – Life Balance has received a lot of attention in the last 3 decades. Its emergence as a concern may be attributed, in part perhaps, to the increased use of technology in the workplace, and the unmet expectations for more leisure in our lives that the emerging technologies were promised to deliver. Could it be that collectively … [Read more...]