“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” Peter Drucker Reflective practice is learning that is directly linked to our actions, thought and feeling – to our direct experience. As a practice, reflection offers us a way to explore and direct the development of our abilities, … [Read more...]
Four Powerful Questions for an Empowered Life Journey
Questions are powerful tools for prompting shifts in perspective and deep reflection that create insight and awareness. Questions invite imagination and activate possibilities thinking that is energizing and fun. They encourage creativity and out of the box thinking. Being asked a question or posing one to oneself is like opening a file. It helps … [Read more...]
What Commands Your Attention, Deserves Your Focus
Commitment to a thing that matters to you requires that you first recognize it as a priority. Right here, right now, THIS is what matters to you and so you give it your full attention. It engages and commands your attention and compels you to focus. What’s in the way? It is this compelling presence that receives your full attention – your energy … [Read more...]
Overcoming Fear in 5 simple steps
When you experience fear, it is likely not at all important for you to know what fear is and how it happened. You simply feel caught - frozen in time - unable to act - stuck! The stress response has kicked in manifesting in one of three ways Flee, Fight or Freeze and you are no longer in control. Overcoming fear is your priority. Your response … [Read more...]