Transitioning to new leadership positions is often accompanied by the excitement of new challenges coupled with the fear of failure. Studies show that, in Canada, transitioning leaders' efforts to effect positive change, are most commonly frustrated by: Navigating corporate politics Their inability to get work done through … [Read more...]
This Holiday Season, Think: Easy for Me and Easy for You! 10 Mindfulness Tips for a Happy Holiday Season
If, as the holiday season approaches, you feel waves of anxiety and depression and wish it were over before it’s begun, perhaps it’s time for a re-think. Re-thinking your relationship to the holiday season creates an opportunity to design a happier, healthier, holiday experience – one that is based on your values, rather than on old-time, ragged … [Read more...]
This Wonderfully Grounded Lightness of Being!
After years of searching, Natalie shares the breakthrough experience she has had with coaching. “Thank you, Julia, for helping me peel away untold layers of stuff and baggage and never giving up on me when I teetered on the edge of giving up on myself. The blame and difficult memories alive for so long have faded. They are miraculously being … [Read more...]
Acceptance versus Resignation
YES and NO are the two most basic human responses to internal or external stimuli. The gap between these two, diametrically-opposed positions from acceptance to rejection, covers a wide range of emotional states from an energetic and enthusiastic YES to a vehement and forceful NO. Our whole being: mind, body, and spirit, is directly affected by … [Read more...]
Anatomy of a Habit and How to Over-ride Old, Counter-Productive Conditioning
Engrams are what neurophysiologists call learned behaviour, neural patterns put to memory. They are coded step by step instructions for each habitual movement. The first time we do anything, whether learning to dance, swim, drive or walk, we have no engrams to rely on, so our movement is erratic and sloppy. With repeated practice, the engrams, for … [Read more...]
Four Powerful Questions for an Empowered Life Journey
Questions are powerful tools for prompting shifts in perspective and deep reflection that create insight and awareness. Questions invite imagination and activate possibilities thinking that is energizing and fun. They encourage creativity and out of the box thinking. Being asked a question or posing one to oneself is like opening a file. It helps … [Read more...]
Awakening to Choice is Self-Empowering
Awakening to Choice is a beautiful piece of anonymous prose I received from a friend and share it here with you. It's inspirational in its wisdom and resonates with the shifts in perspective many of my coaching clients tell me they experience. The piece gives expression to the process of awakening and accepting responsibility for choice, that's at … [Read more...]
The Guts – Inner Athenor, a Transformational Powerhouse
“Feed the fire in your belly and your dreams will become clear to you.” Julia von Flotow It’s in your belly that dreams are born…the desire for something awakens hope and with hope comes possibilities activating the imagination, the creative indwelling Spirit and the heart’s best friend. Creating the inner safe space for dreaming stokes the fires … [Read more...]
Overcoming Fear in 5 simple steps
When you experience fear, it is likely not at all important for you to know what fear is and how it happened. You simply feel caught - frozen in time - unable to act - stuck! The stress response has kicked in manifesting in one of three ways Flee, Fight or Freeze and you are no longer in control. Overcoming fear is your priority. Your response … [Read more...]