There’s no time like right now to stop and assess your strengths, opportunities, and threats and make some healthy choices that will empower you and transform your life. I call it developing personal leadership and cultivating resilience. While this, in my view, is a life way, a mindful lifestyle practice that can lead to personal fulfillment … [Read more...]
Anatomy of a Habit and How to Over-ride Old, Counter-Productive Conditioning
Engrams are what neurophysiologists call learned behaviour, neural patterns put to memory. They are coded step by step instructions for each habitual movement. The first time we do anything, whether learning to dance, swim, drive or walk, we have no engrams to rely on, so our movement is erratic and sloppy. With repeated practice, the engrams, for … [Read more...]
Vitality is Life: Some Conditions Apply!
There’s no season that teaches us more about vitality than Spring when nature’s primal life-giving force is irrepressible and the growing conditions are just right to activate earth’s inherent fecundity in an explosion of colour, scent and growth everywhere around us. Nature’s abundant generosity stirs us awake at our very core, and inspired by … [Read more...]
Cultivating a Coaching Presence
The best effect of fine persons is felt after we have left their presence. Ralph Waldo Emerson Cultivating a coaching presence is a practice of awareness in action - of being your authentic best self, moment to moment within the context of a coaching session, aware and free of the pressures of conflicting, limiting or contradictory beliefs and … [Read more...]
Awakening to Choice is Self-Empowering
Awakening to Choice is a beautiful piece of anonymous prose I received from a friend and share it here with you. It's inspirational in its wisdom and resonates with the shifts in perspective many of my coaching clients tell me they experience. The piece gives expression to the process of awakening and accepting responsibility for choice, that's at … [Read more...]
Look to Workplace Stressors as Causes of Anxiety
In a workplace where conditions exist that are outside your control or realm of influence and where roles, responsibilities, authority, accountabilities or expectations are unclear, frustrated passion can arise, resulting in: A high stress environment Poor communication Office politics Workflow problems Diminished … [Read more...]
The Guts – Inner Athenor, a Transformational Powerhouse
“Feed the fire in your belly and your dreams will become clear to you.” Julia von Flotow It’s in your belly that dreams are born…the desire for something awakens hope and with hope comes possibilities activating the imagination, the creative indwelling Spirit and the heart’s best friend. Creating the inner safe space for dreaming stokes the fires … [Read more...]
You Are Connected. Now, Just Plug In!
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest … [Read more...]
Therapeutic TouchTM as a body of knowledge and practice has numerous benefits for both the recipient and the practitioner. Stress is widely recognized as one of the leading causes of illness and accidents in the home and the workplace. There is a direct connection between the demands placed upon one's life and the physical and mental health of the … [Read more...]