Therapeutic Touch Works! For Healing and Wellness in Hospital and Long Term Care Settings Field Research Report, Spring 2018

The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario’s annual CARE150 Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week May 7 – 13, 2018,   provided an opportunity to conduct a modest research project on respondents’ experience of their Therapeutic Touch® sessions. Therapeutic Touch (TT), an evidence-based, complementary, biofield therapy affects body, mind, emotions and … [Read more...]

Therapeutic Touch – A Complement to Modern Medicine

Therapeutic Touch™ (TT) is an energy field modality first developed in 1972, as a modern healing method by Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN and her colleague, Dora Kunz.  Therapeutic Touch is a consciously directed process of energy exchange during which practitioners use their hands as a focus for facilitating healing.  The intervention is administered … [Read more...]