Develop effective leadership skills, inspire employee engagement and learn to make choices that help you create and enjoy the life you are here to live while having the impact you want to have in your world. Good leadership skills are developed through training, coaching and practice. We are what we repeatedly do. Aristotle 11 Principles … [Read more...]
Leadership Transitions Coaching
Transitioning to new leadership positions is often accompanied by the excitement of new challenges coupled with the fear of failure. Studies show that, in Canada, transitioning leaders' efforts to effect positive change, are most commonly frustrated by: Navigating corporate politics Their inability to get work done through … [Read more...]
Effective Leadership – Your Competitive Advantage
Coaching helps leaders find their stride and navigate their workplace effectively to survive, thrive and achieve sustainable success both professionally and personally. Effective leadership is the only competitive advantage that will endure. That's because leadership has two sides – what a person is (character) and what a person does … [Read more...]
Inspired Leadership A Must for the 21st Century
In the midst of the global economic, cultural and ecological turbulence we live in – a time in which organizations straddle local, regional, national and international structures – leaders need to engage, empower and inspire their workforce: their human capital, their people. To do so, leaders must be inspired, engaged and empowered. Inspired … [Read more...]
Organizational Development Starts at the Top
When it comes to team building and organizational development, culture trumps strategy every time! Culture is palpable. It’s made up of the attitudes of the people, their feelings, thoughts and quality of relationships. Culture can be felt, perceived and experienced through our senses and intuitive or inner knowing and is expressed through body … [Read more...]