On Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Coaching and Healing Over the next few decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is promising to revolutionize the world as we know it. In many sectors of society, it already is! While I don’t consider myself an “early adaptor” I recognize that the world around me and the economic, political, and … [Read more...]
Love as Medicine – Thoughts on how to Enhance Immune Function
It has been said that… “Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy in the world.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin How can it be so? We, along with everything else, live in, contribute to and are sustained by the universal energy field. Signals from this universal field or environment affect our state of being…we are in … [Read more...]
Empowered Choice through Embodied Awareness
“Earthly things must be known to be loved;Divine things must be loved to be known.” Blaise Pascal Mindfulness practice is the key to mental stability, emotional balance and a calm, centered, empowered presence. Learning to quiet the mind and noticing what you are noticing begins with choice and is mastered through practice. Thoughts, at the … [Read more...]
Mindset – Key to Liberation or Enslavement
I see it time and again…how what a client believes shapes their perception and limits their experience. What does it take to have an “open” mind? Why does it matter? The assumption is that if your mind’s made up, you’ve come to a judgment and require no more information. Your mind is therefore closed and you direct your available energy to … [Read more...]
Is your Caregiving Genuine or Strained?
Selfless services span a continuum of care. One extreme might see selfless caregiving as genuine, effortless and authentic, a charitable act of unconditional love and compassion-in-action embodied and expressed in spiritual saints epitomized by larger than life figures like Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Jesus. At the other end of this spectrum are … [Read more...]
Inner Wisdom and How to Access It
Underneath the busyness of our everyday lives and the incessant mental chatter, we are all infinitely wise and inherently intelligent. The greatest difficulty to accessing our inner wisdom is in stilling the mind and getting out of our own way, as learned from personal experience and then witnessed in my clients over the last ten years of coaching … [Read more...]
Allowing vs Controlling – Attitude in Health and Healing
A human being is a multi-dimensional, complex system of systems consisting of over 70 trillion individual cells. This rather simple representation of a complex system may help illumine and enable informed decision making for improved quality of life. Recognizing that, in solution, a cell can make only one of three simple choices: move … [Read more...]
Stress Kills, if You Let It… Learn to Relax!
Every living system is equipped with two modes of being – growth or defence. Peace and harmony are requisite conditions for growth. When these conditions are right, the living system’s growth experience has characteristic qualities of flow, rhythm, strength and symmetry. Growth, however can be frustrated, hindered or arrested by stress, triggered … [Read more...]
To Love Life Make LOVE Your Muse
To love is an action word, a verb. When it comes to loving your life what does it actually mean? What is required to enable an act of giving and/or receiving love….to creating a loving environment? How do we know it and recognize love of life as an experience? When we can answer these questions to our satisfaction, we will have the basic … [Read more...]
How Highly Sensitive People can Conquer Overwhelm and Depletion and Leverage their Special Gifts
As a Therapeutic Touch teacher and coach, I’ve met a host of highly sensitive people. Deeply empathic and highly intuitive, they tell me they find themselves easily overwhelmed and/or depleted by others and the world around them. Often highly creative, introspective and reflective, many are drawn to the healing arts where their special empathic and … [Read more...]