Just For Today, Put Yourself First

How often have you said to yourself and others, “after I do this, or once I’ve done that, then I’ll ….go for a walk, read a book, book a massage, take a trip, go out for a night on the town, take that course I’ve wanted to take, take some time off work etc…the list goes on. Ask yourself, “What am I letting get in the way?” If you’re like most … [Read more...]

Trust Thyself – A Path of Healing and Self Regulation

We have the gift of so many kinds and qualities of attention of the mind and, as healers, how well do we use them? It’s in assessing the situation clearly, without prejudice, that we gain information that informs our response and our next action. Our ability to be fully present yet unattached to the outcome of the situation is often skewed by … [Read more...]

The Power of the Circle

Today I want to write about the circle and what it evokes in me. The circle, as symbol, metaphor and as a living and dynamic form is “alive”. A circle has no beginning and no end. It is an open system; a symbol of wholeness, integration, oneness, eternal, presence and continuous self-renewal and as Rumi so beautifully expressed, the circle is … [Read more...]

To Manage Change, Learn to Manage Yourself

Change is inevitable, ever present and experienced with ever-increasing complexity and intensity. It is within us and external to us. It is us. We are the change when we choose to live mindfully. When we are aware of change as a constant and recognize change as an opportunity to create the future we envision, we accept responsibility for our part … [Read more...]

Acknowledgement – a Powerful Medicine!

The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of appreciation and self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. To acknowledge and be … [Read more...]

A Story of Transformation and Growth

Before I started coaching with Julia I was lacking in confidence and also lacked the awareness and knowledge of how to go about helping myself. An experience years before undermined any confidence I'd had, both real and not real. Through coaching, I have overcome many inner obstacles and in the process found and have grown in confidence which I … [Read more...]

Overcoming Fear in 5 simple steps

When you experience fear, it is likely not at all important for you to know what fear is and how it happened. You simply feel caught - frozen in time - unable to act - stuck! The stress response has kicked in manifesting in one of three ways Flee, Fight or Freeze and you are no longer in control. Overcoming fear is your priority. Your response … [Read more...]

No matter what, be human first!

No matter what... Life's a sketch, a drama that triggers emotion, Where one inspired phrase can send hope soaring And one clumsy act can dash what has been built.  No matter what... Remember people, no matter who, are human first. Deep within, awaken the compassionate heart And summon the human in you.  No matter what... Embrace change … [Read more...]

Your Inner Sanctuary – A Place of Sacred Connection

Inner space is the quiet space at the centre of your life. A space that only you can access and shape into a safe and sacred Inner Sanctuary that offers you a retreat from the busy-ness of the world where you can connect with what matters to you and renew yourself on a regular basis. At Kaizen Leadership Institute,   we help you restore your … [Read more...]

Past, Present and Future – It’s all ONE

It’s all ONE – when you own your past. For when you own your past it doesn't own you. You've accepted it and accepting it you know it and yourself, Realizing what motivated you to make the choices you made You let go of the need to find someone to blame, feel guilt or shame. It just is what it is! Accepting your past, you accept … [Read more...]