Develop effective leadership skills, inspire employee engagement and learn to make choices that help you create and enjoy the life you are here to live while having the impact you want to have in your world. Good leadership skills are developed through training, coaching and practice. We are what we repeatedly do. Aristotle 11 Principles … [Read more...]
Effective Leadership – Your Competitive Advantage
Coaching helps leaders find their stride and navigate their workplace effectively to survive, thrive and achieve sustainable success both professionally and personally. Effective leadership is the only competitive advantage that will endure. That's because leadership has two sides – what a person is (character) and what a person does … [Read more...]
Inner Wisdom and How to Access It
Underneath the busyness of our everyday lives and the incessant mental chatter, we are all infinitely wise and inherently intelligent. The greatest difficulty to accessing our inner wisdom is in stilling the mind and getting out of our own way, as learned from personal experience and then witnessed in my clients over the last ten years of coaching … [Read more...]
Letter from a client to her coach
Dear Julia I didn't know much about coaching when I first came to you a few years ago It was a literal case of Beginner's Mind. Our first 12 session journey turned out to be magical. It gave me such hope in being able to escape a problem I had had since I was a child and I felt excitement for whatever coaching was yet to come. With each … [Read more...]
To Love Life Make LOVE Your Muse
To love is an action word, a verb. When it comes to loving your life what does it actually mean? What is required to enable an act of giving and/or receiving love….to creating a loving environment? How do we know it and recognize love of life as an experience? When we can answer these questions to our satisfaction, we will have the basic … [Read more...]
How Highly Sensitive People can Conquer Overwhelm and Depletion and Leverage their Special Gifts
As a Therapeutic Touch teacher and coach, I’ve met a host of highly sensitive people. Deeply empathic and highly intuitive, they tell me they find themselves easily overwhelmed and/or depleted by others and the world around them. Often highly creative, introspective and reflective, many are drawn to the healing arts where their special empathic and … [Read more...]
6 Self Care Best Practices to Boost your Health and Self Esteem
Self-health, as a personal commitment and practice, is an expression of respecting and honoring your self. Your energy and general condition will let you know you’re attentive when you need to reclaim, restore and reset. As you learn to befriend yourself, your understanding of how you can support, care for and advocate for yourself will … [Read more...]
This Wonderfully Grounded Lightness of Being!
After years of searching, Natalie shares the breakthrough experience she has had with coaching. “Thank you, Julia, for helping me peel away untold layers of stuff and baggage and never giving up on me when I teetered on the edge of giving up on myself. The blame and difficult memories alive for so long have faded. They are miraculously being … [Read more...]
Finding FLOW
What is FLOW? FLOW, a term initially coined by Positive Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, as the experience of being in a state of ease and joy. It is the occasion or event in which challenges are effectively matched to capabilities and we are fully and creatively present. When in FLOW: Focus and concentrate on the task at … [Read more...]
Overcoming Fear in 5 simple steps
When you experience fear, it is likely not at all important for you to know what fear is and how it happened. You simply feel caught - frozen in time - unable to act - stuck! The stress response has kicked in manifesting in one of three ways Flee, Fight or Freeze and you are no longer in control. Overcoming fear is your priority. Your response … [Read more...]