If, as the holiday season approaches, you feel waves of anxiety and depression and wish it were over before it’s begun, perhaps it’s time for a re-think. Re-thinking your relationship to the holiday season creates an opportunity to design a happier, healthier, holiday experience – one that is based on your values, rather than on old-time, ragged … [Read more...]
This Holiday Season, Think: Easy for Me and Easy for You! 10 Mindfulness Tips for a Happy Holiday Season
To Love Life Make LOVE Your Muse
To love is an action word, a verb. When it comes to loving your life what does it actually mean? What is required to enable an act of giving and/or receiving love….to creating a loving environment? How do we know it and recognize love of life as an experience? When we can answer these questions to our satisfaction, we will have the basic … [Read more...]
Are you a Sucker for the Irrelevant?
Managing attention is the toughest challenge we face in our lives. Sucked up into the whirlwind demands of everyday living, like a rat on a treadmill, we give all we’ve got to keep the little treadmill going that keeps us humming and spinning ever faster….but whatever for? It’s the patterns of thought and behaviour that keep us stuck, in a rut, … [Read more...]
Four Powerful Questions for an Empowered Life Journey
Questions are powerful tools for prompting shifts in perspective and deep reflection that create insight and awareness. Questions invite imagination and activate possibilities thinking that is energizing and fun. They encourage creativity and out of the box thinking. Being asked a question or posing one to oneself is like opening a file. It helps … [Read more...]
Past, Present and Future – It’s all ONE
It’s all ONE – when you own your past. For when you own your past it doesn't own you. You've accepted it and accepting it you know it and yourself, Realizing what motivated you to make the choices you made You let go of the need to find someone to blame, feel guilt or shame. It just is what it is! Accepting your past, you accept … [Read more...]
Wholeness ~ A Dynamic Balance
Wholeness is a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise that allows you to move with ease from one mode of consciousness to another, in response to changing internal or external conditions. Balance DOing and BEing There are two basic modes of consciousness that need to be in balance to allow for the felt experience of wholeness and balance. … [Read more...]
11 Things You Can Do to Heal the Divine Feminine Within
If health is the capacity to take responsibility for oneself, then wellness, is the appreciation and awareness of ourselves as healthy - feeling physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned. When this is the case, we are our authentic selves, acting mindfully with confidence and a sense of purpose, in … [Read more...]