Mindset – Key to Liberation or Enslavement

I see it time and again…how what a client believes shapes their perception and limits their experience. What does it take to have an “open” mind? Why does it matter? The assumption is that if your mind’s made up, you’ve come to a judgment and require no more information. Your mind is therefore closed and you direct your available energy to … [Read more...]

Meditation Practice Brings us Home to Ourselves

American psychotherapist and educator Lawrence LeShan in his book How to Meditate, The Acclaimed Guide to Self-Discovery recognizes the aim of meditation practices to be “inner growth and development – to help the individual reach their own special, fullest potential in being, relating and creating” and “doing consciously what would otherwise be … [Read more...]

Inner Wisdom and How to Access It

Underneath the busyness of our everyday lives and the incessant mental chatter, we are all infinitely wise and inherently intelligent. The greatest difficulty to accessing our inner wisdom is in stilling the mind  and getting out of our own way, as learned from personal experience and then witnessed in my clients over the last ten years of coaching … [Read more...]

Allowing vs Controlling – Attitude in Health and Healing

A human being is a multi-dimensional, complex system of systems consisting of over 70 trillion individual cells.  This rather simple representation of a complex system may help illumine and enable informed decision making for improved quality of life.  Recognizing that, in solution, a cell can make only one of three simple choices: move … [Read more...]

Stress Kills, if You Let It… Learn to Relax!

Every living system is equipped with two modes of being – growth or defence. Peace and harmony are requisite conditions for growth. When these conditions are right, the living system’s growth experience has characteristic qualities of flow, rhythm, strength and symmetry. Growth, however can be frustrated, hindered or arrested by stress, triggered … [Read more...]

Mindfulness, a Path of Awareness

Mindfulness is an ancient discipline of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment. Mindfulness practice develops awareness and alleviates suffering. Jon Kabat Zinn who popularized Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in North America, defines mindfulness as “a state of moment to moment to moment, non-judgmental … [Read more...]

Management vs Leadership…A Dance of Head and Heart

Harmony and productivity result when management and leadership work in partnership, doing things right and doing the right things. Entrepreneurs, artists and other self-governed individuals are both President and CEO of their own enterprise. As President, you lead from the heart to: Develop your personal mission Define your direction … [Read more...]

Cultivating Presence
Key to Self-Empowered, Authentic Leadership!

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Anatomy of a Habit and How to Over-ride Old, Counter-Productive Conditioning

Engrams are what neurophysiologists call learned behaviour, neural patterns put to memory. They are coded step by step instructions for each habitual movement. The first time we do anything, whether learning to dance, swim, drive or walk, we have no engrams to rely on, so our movement is erratic and sloppy. With repeated practice, the engrams, for … [Read more...]

Mindfulness Coaching for Stress Relief, Focus and Success

What makes someone start looking for a coach may range from wanting to develop some new skills, have more confidence, improve balance and alignment in life, better time or business management skills to navigating a career or life transition or help with orchestrating a whole life makeover. People want to release old, outmoded ways of thinking … [Read more...]