What Commands Your Attention, Deserves Your Focus

Commitment to a thing that matters to you requires that you first recognize it as a priority. Right here, right now, THIS is what matters to you and so you give it your full attention. It engages and commands your attention and compels you to focus. What’s in the way? It is this compelling presence that receives your full attention – your energy … [Read more...]

Redefining Success Guides The Coaching Journey

Three years ago, when Melissa first came to me for coaching, she shared with me that “everything in my life was out of whack (work/career, relationships, confidence and love for myself). I wanted to improve balance and alignment in my life.” In this article I have drawn on Melissa’s coaching journals and conversations, with her permission, along … [Read more...]

The Quiet Transformative Power of Mindfulness Coaching

Mindfulness, according to Jon Kabat Zinn, who popularized Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in North America, is “knowing what you are doing when you are doing it,” a state of active awareness.  Reflection, before, during and after action, is a mindfulness practice that helps the practitioner develop self-awareness, making it a valuable resource … [Read more...]