To create a healing space is to create the conditions for the possibility of healing to occur. In other words, healing is a state of being, of consciousness, that enables the client to access and engage their own “inner healer” and move towards wholeness, a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise. To create this kind of healing space is … [Read more...]
Vitality is Life: Some Conditions Apply!
There’s no season that teaches us more about vitality than Spring when nature’s primal life-giving force is irrepressible and the growing conditions are just right to activate earth’s inherent fecundity in an explosion of colour, scent and growth everywhere around us. Nature’s abundant generosity stirs us awake at our very core, and inspired by … [Read more...]
Accept and Then Embrace Your Life. There’s Power There!
Change is all there is….you are continually changing and the context of your life – your family, workplace, home life, community, environment and the world is continually changing. Technological developments have always driven change from the industrial revolution to the great cultural, social and economic change catalyzed by the digital era we are … [Read more...]
The Best Medicine: Relax and Focus on What Excites You!
Taming the ‘monkey mind”, entering the stillness, quieting the mind, finding inner peace may all be ways of saying the same thing….the experience of Mindfulness, defined in 2003 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who popularized it in North America as, “Paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment.” So … [Read more...]
Self Compassion and You
It is no surprise to me and I expect won’t surprise you either that people who treat themselves with compassion feel better about themselves and have better coping skills – are more able to respond rather than react to disappointments and setbacks. The September 2014 research study at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, by Kelly et al., 2014 … [Read more...]
Beginners Mind Makes Facing Change Fun
Facing change in our lives takes courage and strength of character. Change is not going away. It's here with increasing complexity, frequency and intensity. How we well we do at accepting change is critical to our well being and our survival. So, how can we be pro active towards change? Can we learn to surf the wave of change - be the change … [Read more...]
What Commands Your Attention, Deserves Your Focus
Commitment to a thing that matters to you requires that you first recognize it as a priority. Right here, right now, THIS is what matters to you and so you give it your full attention. It engages and commands your attention and compels you to focus. What’s in the way? It is this compelling presence that receives your full attention – your energy … [Read more...]
You Don’t Stop at Your Skin!
In Therapeutic Touch™, the healing field is the subtle, non-physical energy field, generated by the healee, that is palpable beyond the body’s physical periphery – that is beyond the skin. The Therapeutic Touch practitioner, through practice, learns to guide the natural, orderly flow of energy coming out of the palms of her hands so as to … [Read more...]