Getting to Wellness – A Mindful Approach to Cultivating Wellbeing

You can get stressed by a million different things all of which act as your system’s information up-setters and distorters. Stress is your experience of your body’s fight, flight or freeze response to stressors, whether internal (feelings, perceptions, beliefs), or external (temperature, sound, aggression) and is cause of 80% or more of today’s … [Read more...]

Coping with Feelings of Betrayal and Resentment

Sometimes after a personal or professional set-back, we find ourselves surprised by strong feelings of betrayal and resentment that arise when friends and family members respond to us with less empathy/kindness and understanding than how we would have hoped. In this workshop you will learn proven strategies to experience your emotions with a … [Read more...]

11 Things You Can Do to Heal the Divine Feminine Within

If health is the capacity to take responsibility for oneself, then wellness, is the appreciation and awareness of ourselves as healthy - feeling physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned. When this is the case, we are our authentic selves, acting mindfully with confidence and a sense of purpose, in … [Read more...]

Heal Yourself – Transform Self-Punishment to Self-Care

The self punishing mindset has many masks and a multitude of negative inner messaging loops or tape that can, if not caught and corrected, lead to the development of Eating disorders, binge eating Addictions as form of escape Body image issues and shame Feeling like a failure with an overwhelming sense of powerlessness, hopelessness, … [Read more...]

Coping with Feelings of Betrayal and Resentment

Sometimes after a personal or professional set-back, we find ourselves surprised by strong feelings of betrayal and resentment that arise when friends and family members respond to us with less empathy/kindness and understanding than how we would have hoped. In this workshop you will learn proven strategies to experience your emotions with a … [Read more...]

Redefining Success Guides The Coaching Journey

Three years ago, when Melissa first came to me for coaching, she shared with me that “everything in my life was out of whack (work/career, relationships, confidence and love for myself). I wanted to improve balance and alignment in my life.” In this article I have drawn on Melissa’s coaching journals and conversations, with her permission, along … [Read more...]

The Quiet Transformative Power of Mindfulness Coaching

Mindfulness, according to Jon Kabat Zinn, who popularized Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in North America, is “knowing what you are doing when you are doing it,” a state of active awareness.  Reflection, before, during and after action, is a mindfulness practice that helps the practitioner develop self-awareness, making it a valuable resource … [Read more...]

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Helping clients cultivate mindfulness, the ability to be present and engaged in the moment, is central to our approach. Why? Because it works! According to neuroscientist, Mike Merzenich "Experience, coupled with attention leads to physical changes in the structure and future functioning of the nervous system. This leaves us with a clear … [Read more...]

Conflict as Opportunity

It is how we see things, what we perceive, that shapes how we respond. Fundamental to shaping our perception are the beliefs, assumptions and attitudes that act as perceptual filters – filtering out what doesn’t fit in your mental paradigm. As human beings, if we learn at all, we learn through contrast. It’s in contrast that we can learn to … [Read more...]

True Your Life

Rebalance Your Life with The Wheel of Life Self-Assessment Tool When we are who we are, our lives are balanced and others are more able to perceive us, as we are, for we are consistently ourselves. The Wheel of Life Self-Assessment Tool provides you with an opportunity for self reflection and discovery. Who are you? What do you want? What area … [Read more...]