I see it time and again…how what a client believes shapes their perception and limits their experience. What does it take to have an “open” mind? Why does it matter? The assumption is that if your mind’s made up, you’ve come to a judgment and require no more information. Your mind is therefore closed and you direct your available energy to … [Read more...]
Transforming Archetypal Patterns of Behaviour that Keep you Stuck into Navigational Aids
Archetypes are universal patterns, ideas, and images that live and grow in the collective unconscious that express themselves through symbol or metaphor and can be recognized as inherent potentials. Archetypes are inborn tendencies shaping behaviour. When brought into conscious awareness, archetypes can be transformed from a hidden, repetitive and … [Read more...]
Archetypes and You ~ Discover their Power!
Archetypes are symbols of patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour that reflect your relationship with yourself, others and with the world. Archetypes are neither positive nor negative. They are essentially neutral patterns of the psyche. Archetypes can be universal and cultural and can be experienced as a powerful pattern, deep within you, … [Read more...]
Mind Games – Inventing problems so we can fix them and control our world
Who doesn't get caught up in mind games? It's a common past time in our culture that looks something like this: Invent or focus on a problem Define it, identify the symptoms and contributing factors Design or create a solution for it. Test it and write a book about it Create a product and monetize your knowledge Get rich This … [Read more...]