Remembering Michel and the Birth of the Healing Team

When I heard that Michel, a former Therapeutic Touch student of mine, was diagnosed with a variety of complex cancers on August 23rd and had been given 3 - 6 months to live, I resolved to do all I could to provide her with comfort and support to the end of her life and the idea of a Healing Team  was born. I reached out to my Therapeutic Touch … [Read more...]

Therapeutic Touch and the Pain that is Shingles

Last Tuesday when my sister arrived for a 6-week visit from her home in Geneva, she complained about insect bites, perhaps a spider she thought as she pulled up her shirt to show me a red and inflamed looking rash of blisters that ran from her spine to under her right breast. Ouch! The pain was both deep and surface. Wednesday morning, the pain … [Read more...]

Deep Healing is just that – Deep!

Deep healing is akin to deep listening. To get to the level of healing that’s required to heal trauma in yourself you have to first open to yourself and listen deeply, patiently with compassion and forgiveness. This, deep and active listening, in itself, is a challenge and a particularly trying one for someone who is suffering with post traumatic … [Read more...]

The Healing Space and How to Create It

To create a healing space is to create the conditions for the possibility of healing to occur. In other words, healing is a state of being, of consciousness, that enables the client to access and engage their own “inner healer” and move towards wholeness, a dynamic state of balance, equanimity and poise. To create this kind of healing space is … [Read more...]

A Story of Transformation and Growth

Before I started coaching with Julia I was lacking in confidence and also lacked the awareness and knowledge of how to go about helping myself. An experience years before undermined any confidence I'd had, both real and not real. Through coaching, I have overcome many inner obstacles and in the process found and have grown in confidence which I … [Read more...]


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