Accept and Then Embrace Your Life. There’s Power There!

Change is all there is….you are continually changing and the context of your life – your family, workplace, home life, community, environment and the world is continually changing. Technological developments have always driven change from the industrial revolution to the great cultural, social and economic change catalyzed by the digital era we are … [Read more...]

What’s Wrong With Christmas Gift Giving?

The commercialization of the Christmas gift giving tradition revs people up into a buying frenzy, leaving them overspent and exhausted. Seasonal marketing messages designed to attract buyers and increase sales, employ psychological insight to leverage personal insecurities and low self-esteem for corporate gain. The resulting impact has … [Read more...]

Past, Present and Future – It’s all ONE

It’s all ONE – when you own your past. For when you own your past it doesn't own you. You've accepted it and accepting it you know it and yourself, Realizing what motivated you to make the choices you made You let go of the need to find someone to blame, feel guilt or shame. It just is what it is! Accepting your past, you accept … [Read more...]