In my early days of learning Therapeutic Touch, I discovered its brilliance and was in awe at the wisdom of its founders, Dolores Krieger, RN, PhD and her mentor, Dora Kunz. It was at a Practice Group meeting in the middle of offering a healing session that I realized quite suddenly that in this simple act of helping another, I felt better – I … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch Works! For Healing and Wellness in Hospital and Long Term Care Settings Field Research Report, Spring 2018
The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario’s annual CARE150 Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week May 7 – 13, 2018, provided an opportunity to conduct a modest research project on respondents’ experience of their Therapeutic Touch® sessions. Therapeutic Touch (TT), an evidence-based, complementary, biofield therapy affects body, mind, emotions and … [Read more...]
Stress Kills, if You Let It… Learn to Relax!
Every living system is equipped with two modes of being – growth or defence. Peace and harmony are requisite conditions for growth. When these conditions are right, the living system’s growth experience has characteristic qualities of flow, rhythm, strength and symmetry. Growth, however can be frustrated, hindered or arrested by stress, triggered … [Read more...]
Empowering Healers as Leaders and Leaders as Healers
Project lead for the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario’s inaugural CARE 150, Therapeutic Touch Awareness Week, May 1 – 7, 2017, Kaizen Leadership Institute’s founder, Julia von Flotow, is walking her talk when it comes to healers being leaders. Julia believes in “leading the change you want to see in the world”…. change that can make a … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch Healing – A Personal Experience
My mother-in-law, a visual artist of some renown, who is legally blind due to macular degeneration, was run over by a vehicle the last Friday in August, a few years back. It was a freak accident. After careful examination of her pants cut from her by the hospital staff and much thoughtful discussion, we reconstructed what had happened - we … [Read more...]
Trust Thyself – A Path of Healing and Self Regulation
We have the gift of so many kinds and qualities of attention of the mind and, as healers, how well do we use them? It’s in assessing the situation clearly, without prejudice, that we gain information that informs our response and our next action. Our ability to be fully present yet unattached to the outcome of the situation is often skewed by … [Read more...]
The Best Medicine: Relax and Focus on What Excites You!
Taming the ‘monkey mind”, entering the stillness, quieting the mind, finding inner peace may all be ways of saying the same thing….the experience of Mindfulness, defined in 2003 by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who popularized it in North America as, “Paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment.” So … [Read more...]
Acknowledgement – a Powerful Medicine!
The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of appreciation and self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. To acknowledge and be … [Read more...]
Energy Traps and How to Avoid Them
Stress is your experience of your body’s fight, flight or freeze response to stimuli whether internal or external. Your experience of pain - temperature, sound, aggression and your response to it – the story you tell yourself are two inter-related contributing factors that shape your experience. While there’s not too much you can do to control the … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Touch – A Complement to Modern Medicine
Therapeutic Touch™ (TT) is an energy field modality first developed in 1972, as a modern healing method by Dolores Krieger, PhD, RN and her colleague, Dora Kunz. Therapeutic Touch is a consciously directed process of energy exchange during which practitioners use their hands as a focus for facilitating healing. The intervention is administered … [Read more...]