Questions are powerful tools for prompting shifts in perspective and deep reflection that create insight and awareness. Questions invite imagination and activate possibilities thinking that is energizing and fun. They encourage creativity and out of the box thinking. Being asked a question or posing one to oneself is like opening a file. It helps … [Read more...]
Self Esteem and the Power of Belief
Self esteem is affected either negatively or positively by how we relate to ourselves and how we respond to and interpret life stressors such as: Job promotion or being passed over Provocation Financial set-backs or challenges Unfair competitions Injustice “The belief that becomes truth for me…is that which allows me the best use of … [Read more...]
Past, Present and Future – It’s all ONE
It’s all ONE – when you own your past. For when you own your past it doesn't own you. You've accepted it and accepting it you know it and yourself, Realizing what motivated you to make the choices you made You let go of the need to find someone to blame, feel guilt or shame. It just is what it is! Accepting your past, you accept … [Read more...]
Acknowledgement – a Powerful Medicine!
The act of acknowledgement recognizes and honours, contributing to an enhanced sense of self-worth. It contributes to creating an environment of unconditional love and support - like fertilizer is to plants, acknowledgement and gratitude expressed create the context and required conditions for growth. Being intentional about it makes all the … [Read more...]